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Please Help the Utah Avalanche Center..


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As most of you know. the Utah Avalanche lost $30,000 from their yearly budget. This will greatly effect forecasting and ongoing Avalanche safety and education in the state of Utah.

This is a real Blow to all of us that use the backcountry! We all need to step up and do what we can to help get these lost funds back to the UAC and FUAC.

A few things I am going to do....

1st. I have a handful of UCrew shirts left over from last year. I am offering them at $10.00 per shirt. 100% of the money received will go right to the FUAC and UAC. PM me your address and I'll get them shipped right out. I do take paypal.

2nd. I am going to put together a Sled Movie Night and raffle in Utah County to help raise funds. Freak has stepped up and offered up his restaurant for us to hold this at. tentative plans are $10.00 at the door. That gets you a seat and all the chicken tacos, chips and AMAZING Casa salza you can eat. Plus while eating chill out watching some sled flicks. Some Awesome gear and accessories will be raffled off as well. Still working on finally details and a date that works best. But look for this to be happening in November.

3rd. If any of you Snowesters need or want a ADT home security system. Sign up through me and I will donate $800.00 per sale to the FUAC and UAC.
PM me for details.

For anyone looking to just make a direct donation to help the UAC...
you can do that right here through the Friends of the Utah Avalanche Center.

or go to the home page of the Utah Avalanche Center and click on the donate tab.

Donating helps a great cause and generates on snow Karma points to boot... :face-icon-small-win
I don't mean to be a fly in the ointment (I agree that we need to support the UAC), however I do remember a thread last year where the UAC blatantly bashed the snowmobiling community on their website. Whatever happened with that? Did everybody kiss and make up or are we just going on and pretending it never happened (by donating to anti-snowmobiling groups). Don't flame me, I'm just curious. I'll buy one of those shirts from ya......

Heres the link to the thread in question: http://www.snowestonline.com/forum/showthread.php?t=249136&highlight=UAC
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The UAC is Far from Anti Snowmobile.. In their eyes it was about safety in the backcountry and what that pic showed was unsafe practices. That thread was the result of Skier vs. sledder confrontation. The UAC was provided with bunk info which at the time seem legitimate to them. After they learned the truth they recanted the original comments. To the UAC it wasn't about Skier vs. Sledder. It was 100% about what appeared to them as unsafe backcountry practices. The UAC and FUAC do a ton to help us sledders out. They forecast in area's that are mostly only sledders. I 100% support what they do for us as a community and feel this is only a small part of what I can do to thank them for their work.
Here's a suggestion...I know a bunch of people attended and enjoyed the Avalanche night at Brewvies last week. I am sure that there were plenty of people from up north that didn't make the drive south. I would be willing to donate a screen free of charge at my theatre CinePointe 6 in Ogden for a similar event. www.CinePointe6.com I think we could draw a good crowd from the Ogden/Logan area.

I would also be willing to rent out my cabin a couple times this winter for a sled trip during the week and donate all but the cleaning money to the Avalanche Center. www.timberlakescabin.com or http://www.spotlighthometours.com/tours/tour.php?&tourid=28496&CFID=88724&CFTOKEN=77470349
The sledding community is one of a kind. All of these peeps stepping up to keep us on top. Like I said, I have a awesome nacho machine I can donate to dispense that beautiful highly processed orangey gooey goodness, aka "Not Yo' Cheeze".

I also have a semi-truck, if I could figure out hot to make it help the UAC fund, I'd do it!

Anywho, I'm staying tuned to this thread for future dates of events.
Here's a suggestion...I know a bunch of people attended and enjoyed the Avalanche night at Brewvies last week. I am sure that there were plenty of people from up north that didn't make the drive south. I would be willing to donate a screen free of charge at my theatre CinePointe 6 in Ogden for a similar event. www.CinePointe6.com I think we could draw a good crowd from the Ogden/Logan area.

I would also be willing to rent out my cabin a couple times this winter for a sled trip during the week and donate all but the cleaning money to the Avalanche Center. www.timberlakescabin.com or http://www.spotlighthometours.com/tours/tour.php?&tourid=28496&CFID=88724&CFTOKEN=77470349
Yeah Yeah! That's a long drive from up here. But this all sounds great guys! This is why I love sledders, always willing to help out.
Hey Jacob
WRP will take ten of the shirts and i will ship them out with the first ten items I sell next week for free.

Also I will donate a standard set boards at your movie night.

Let me know when it is.

Marc WRP

Marc, you are the man!!!
Thanks for all the pm's. It's great to see all you peeps stepping up and interested in helping the UAC!!!! Many thanks!
Here's a suggestion...I know a bunch of people attended and enjoyed the Avalanche night at Brewvies last week. I am sure that there were plenty of people from up north that didn't make the drive south. I would be willing to donate a screen free of charge at my theatre CinePointe 6 in Ogden for a similar event. www.CinePointe6.com I think we could draw a good crowd from the Ogden/Logan area.

I would also be willing to rent out my cabin a couple times this winter for a sled trip during the week and donate all but the cleaning money to the Avalanche Center. www.timberlakescabin.com or http://www.spotlighthometours.com/tours/tour.php?&tourid=28496&CFID=88724&CFTOKEN=77470349

ACUtah- that movie night we did there last year just for fun was GREAT! I think this would be a great opportunity that could draw a whole new crowd as well. You could also consider doing new films?

How about "The CREW" premier?? Slednecks 14? 2SCS? 509?

Just some thoughts, but it was awesome watching films at his theater last year!!
ACUtah- that movie night we did there last year just for fun was GREAT! I think this would be a great opportunity that could draw a whole new crowd as well. You could also consider doing new films?

How about "The CREW" premier?? Slednecks 14? 2SCS? 509?

Just some thoughts, but it was awesome watching films at his theater last year!!

I am open for whatever film. Anybody know how the other UAC film night was handled? If someone from there wants to get a hold of me we can work on some details. Wednesday or Thursday night would be best for me. There are a few legalities that need to be addressed for the screenings. Should be a fun time!
I am open for whatever film. Anybody know how the other UAC film night was handled? If someone from there wants to get a hold of me we can work on some details. Wednesday or Thursday night would be best for me. There are a few legalities that need to be addressed for the screenings. Should be a fun time!

The last UAC film night was the Boondockers premier. Dan Gardiner is the producer of the film and is there every year. I am guessing the legalities are in terms of having permission to show the film and funds being collected?

I am betting we could get the permission from any sled film maker for this purpose. Boondockers and Thunderstruck have already done so. I am betting the owners of "The Crew" would as well. I think Bossrev has an in there.:face-icon-small-win

Then there are always the SledChick films? I am betting GP could talk to Emily and company to get that film if we wanted. I am just thinking something fresh!

I could talk to Scott and the Alpine Assassins guys to see if they have their film yet and if they would offer it up?
Here's a suggestion...I know a bunch of people attended and enjoyed the Avalanche night at Brewvies last week. I am sure that there were plenty of people from up north that didn't make the drive south. I would be willing to donate a screen free of charge at my theatre CinePointe 6 in Ogden for a similar event. www.CinePointe6.com I think we could draw a good crowd from the Ogden/Logan area.

I would also be willing to rent out my cabin a couple times this winter for a sled trip during the week and donate all but the cleaning money to the Avalanche Center. www.timberlakescabin.com or http://www.spotlighthometours.com/tours/tour.php?&tourid=28496&CFID=88724&CFTOKEN=77470349

That's an Awesome gesture for sure. And the more events and opportunities to
raise money the better. I have had suggestion from a few to have something more centralized to the community. Which I am considering? After all the more people that come the better the night would be for everyone involved. There are alot of riders in Utah County that are on the forums and even more that are not. Seems most events like this take place in SLC or Ogden already making it tough for a lot of people to make the events. So I want to make it easy on the folks from Mt. pleasant, Nephi, on up to Santaquine and Spanish to look forward to and be able to make as well as the people from Alpine down to Springville. But I am not opposed to holding this event somewhere more localized to everyone from Logan down to Nephi. (if thats possible)
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