Before wiseco makes a piston they make sure all dimensions are exact match to the OEM piston they are replacing.
In the 33 yrs Ive been using wisecos without a single problem they have never been different in the timing dimensions than the oem they replace.
timing dimensions are pin to deck, pin to skirt bottom and ring pin location..
Always nice to close all 3 exhaust ports at TDC unlike many crossmatched oem cast pistons.
crossmatched means fits many different models within the brand ,, fits physically means nothing when the ports are left open or the locator pins are on the edge of a transfer window...Yucky red solo cup !!!
Glad to see so many POO turbos running quietly and happily on forged pitons,, makes me even happier knowing those with brand X turbos aren't buying flippers for them when they lose a cast skirt or ring land..
I will happily provide the wiseco piston of your choice for SKIRT breaking..I ve read some old wives tales about wiseco skirt breakage,,,, show me,, its forged,, it takes a sledge hammer and 2 foot long channel lock pliers to manhandle LONG ENough to brake one,, you cant deform one that much or bend it back and forth that far in a running engine. Unless of course,, the rod you broke FIRST sent it through the cases !!! LMAO
We take them from 65 degree coolant temp and hit them with 25 psi instantly.. no worries,, its NICASIL...aluminum expands at very close to the same rates,, so its a non issue since we went to coated bores and dropped the old wives sleeves....
testing....005 max or you WILL roll the dome from excessive clearance..
WE have grown out of the stone age no more cast iron...