My parents live just a couple of miles to the west of the slide and were some of the people that were stuck on the other side, I live about 10 miles to the east of it just outside of Naches. The pictures of the house on the hill that shows the crack running right through it is some friends of ours. Total loss, She came by my house about 9 am that morning, 3 or 4 hours after the slide, and she didnt seem to concerned. What they didnt know was the ripple affect of the earth moving under them was going to destroy their house and many around it. It looks like the insurance will not be paying since it is what they call an "act of god". Unreal, they will loose it all and there are many just like them. I don't want to speak for anybody but it looks like there will be many people left with no choice but to let their mortgages foreclose for nothing that they did wrong. The properties have all been declaired unsafe and they are not even allowed to fix or rebuild as of now. TOTAL LOSS!
As for the highway goes, it sounds like it will be re-routed around the slide are, not over it. They say that it will follow the Nile road next to the south side of the valley. They talk like it will be a temporary fix for about a year and then they will go in and improve it's capacity to hand the traffic year round. It will be strange since I've lived in this valley most of my life and then all of a sudden it changes.