Well actually we got dumped on the first night we were there.. on the 24th and 25th.. it did set up pretty fast 3 days..
ops i put the pics up backwards! lol
The last day we trail rode alot.. 104 miles.. funny thing is i still have 1/4 to 1/2 of gas LEFT with out adding any!! thats Crazy.. every one in the group were adding fuel!
Went with seven guys.. all from Roch, MN area.
Trip was a cheap trip 675$$ total with bar tabs!
Pro ran great..
Tryed BB 60G weights the first day..
Then went to BB 58G Woke it right up!!
Stock secondary with a derlin washer under spring.
And using BMP Can ! Sounded GREAT!! BBRRAAAPPP ( Group also knew where Matt Was!!