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Picking a University or college....


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 6, 2010
Bozeman, Montana
Help me out guys. I'm big into engineering with a large knowledge of physics and chemistry. I'm also very fluent with computers and have a knack for technology.

I throw javelin and am extremely active in FIRST robotics. I will most likely make it to State for javelin and the world championships in robotics.

I have a fat stack of letters from colleges that I'll post later, but I'm curious to hear others opinions of good schools with great programs and mountains nearby.

(Financial assistance is NOT needed)

polaris dude

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jun 5, 2009
Grand Junction, CO
Comon m8brap do you think mittens is the kind of person who is looking to pull some slooots? ;) in all seriousness anyone with half a brain has a huge stack of college invites n crap. I saw that subtle brag! But if your looking for the best engineering program with lots of mountains and babes come to sdsu!(the real one in South Dakota). I can give you the grand tour if you are interested


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 6, 2010
Bozeman, Montana
I told ya what i thought the other day there mitten~
I'm looking into there. I'm not really sure what I even want to do yet.
I saw that subtle brag! But if your looking for the best engineering program with lots of mountains and babes come to sdsu!(the real one in South Dakota). I can give you the grand tour if you are interested
Was it too obvious? I was just surprised to get a letter from Baylor so that's the reason I put that part in.
University of Wyoming. Best riding in the west 30 minutes away. Good school.
Thanks for the insight.
I don't want Minton that close to my cabin
You'll get over it. I put up with stupid, dead-beat highschoolers all day so you'll be fine.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Oct 23, 2008
Ketchikan, AK
They're a ton of good Engineering programs out there. I started my ME undergrad degree at San Diego State University and am finishing it here at Washington State. For the most part, don't worry too much about the focus of your program (ie. Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, etc), practically all of the GE's for any one of the programs is the same, which is nice because it allows you to get a feel for each department before choosing one that best suites you.

You said you were involved in FIRST Robotics? Did you attend the competition in Central Washington last weekend? There is another competition on the 22nd of this month as well. I was a Judge at the first one and more than likely be involved with the upcoming one as well. Some of the contestants were below average, you could tell there was a select few who really put some time and effort into it.

Oh and by the way, just to break it to you now, HS is a friggin breeze compared to ANY Engineering program I have been in. As long as you stay on top of your chit and remember why you're shelling out THOUSANDS of dollars, you will be just fine. I lost sight of this my first two years in San Diego, too many distractions to prevent me from doing my work :) Just get in, get it done, and get out. Oh, and its ok to get some strange and plow through a 18'r every now and then :face-icon-small-coo


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2008
Gallatin Valley

Are you sure you want to attend college? I ask this because I know when I went to college I went to play hockey, not attend classes...

I think that there is so much emphasis put on going to college now that young people go just to go. Then, as Phizzer stated you end up spinning your wheels for a few years not knowing really what the hell you want to do. I spun mine for a solid four I would say. There are so many other things out there in life besides college. Don't get me wrong, I think that higher learning can be a good thing. But it's not the only thing. But, if you are sure you want to go, I say MSU. Sure, MSU is pretty ambiguous. Just google where the Gallatin Valley is and you will know what MSU I am talking about. Several different highly touted engineering programs to choose from. And, if you are into recreating in the mountains, I would put MSU up against any school worldwide for those opportunities. Actually, I would say those opportunities probably were and are the demise of half the college careers of those that attend:face-icon-small-hap


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 5, 2007
mt baker

you should give Everett community college a go.

might just be perfect for your skills. then maybe a mindless job at boeing.

close to mt baker and canada riding is just a bit further north....

if you can cross the border .


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Help me out guys. I'm big into engineering with a large knowledge of physics and chemistry. I'm also very fluent with computers and have a knack for technology.

I throw javelin and am extremely active in FIRST robotics. I will most likely make it to State for javelin and the world championships in robotics.

I have a fat stack of letters from colleges that I'll post later, but I'm curious to hear others opinions of good schools with great programs and mountains nearby.

(Financial assistance is NOT needed)

Im at the University of Wyoming studying Mechanical Engineering! It is a great school! Lots of hot chicks and like the Snowies are only 45 mins. away. The program is hard, but thats what you get when you go in to Engineering. PM if you want more info.

Good Luck,

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