Santa is bringing an 85 Yamaha Phazer to my kids for Christmas. It is totally stock and it only has 160 original miles!!! Any way the reason for my post is I will want to long track it before next year. This year will be a great time for my 8 year old to learn how to ride. Next year he will start going with me on some mellow rides. I would like to get a 133 or 136 under that thing. I would think that I would be safe with 1 1/4" and maybe even 1 1/2" tall lugs but I don't know. I really don't want to mess with things to much. If I can just add the rail, and tunnel extensions, and the track that would be my preference. Changing drivers wouldn't be such a big deal I guess. Any input would be Great! I am wishing for snow for Christmas. So far Western Wy, is pretty bare.