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PETA are FREAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Nov 26, 2007
Cochrane, Alberta
they actually compared the beheading of a man on a bus to the slaughter of cows and chickens, saying it's the same thing!!!!!!!! these guys are FREAKS!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad:

not PETA, but just as bad, a zealot church group is going to boycott the man's funeral!!!!!!!!:eek:

'Hated' church group to protest Tim McLean funeral

A church group described in a British documentary as "the most hated family in America" says it will head to Canada this weekend to protest Tim McLean's funeral.

Tim McLean is seen in an undated handout photo with the daughter of his friend William Caron. (HO - William Caron / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

CTV.ca News Staff

The daughter of the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church, based in Topeka, Ka., told CTV.ca she and several other church members will go to Winnipeg on Saturday to demonstrate against what she described as McLean's "filthy way of life." Shirley Phelps-Roper said his life was emblematic of Canada's moral decay.

"God handed us a gift," Phelps-Roper said in a phone interview on Thursday.

She said McLean deserved his death by beheading on a Greyhound Bus last week.

"(His death was) supremely unemotional. You got God shaking in rage. There is no emotional component ... He was a rebel against God. He was taught to be a rebel by his parents. He came from a rebel country ... They brought this wrath upon his head. And it sucks to be him and it sucks to be them," Phelps-Roper said.

She said his brutal murder was a sign from God.

"You gotta connect the dots, people ... from your idols to your filthy way of life," she said.

"Here's what I know. He is dead and God does not do that to people that serve in his truth."

Phelps-Roper described McLean -- who she had never met -- in an insulting, insensitive and graphic manner. Her crudest descriptions of the 22-year-old are not printed.

"I haven't met him personally, but he has nothing going on," she said dismissively.

"(His life) was all about him. Blah, blah, blah ... He was a rebel ... I don't need to know anything else ... I don't need to know the minutia. Everything you need to know is right there."

The Westboro Baptist church has gained notoriety in recent years for setting up protest pickets at the funerals of U.S. soldiers who died in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Church members claim the deaths are part of God's wrath against Americans for turning their back on his teachings. They have repeatedly called the U.S. a "fag" nation, a phrase Phelps-Roper used repeatedly to describe Canada.

Phelps-Roper said she does not mind that her family is reviled by the majority of Americans. She claimed she rejoices when people say they despise and hate her family.

"I say, 'cha ching.' That goes in our bank. God gives us tokens of his love," she said.

Phelps-Roper said members of the Westboro Baptist Church, which numbers about "70 souls," is comprised mainly of a single extended family.

McLean was killed on July 30 after being stabbed repeatedly on a Greyhound bus by a complete stranger. He was then beheaded.

Vince Li, 40, has been charged with second-degree murder. A psychiatric evaluation has been ordered for Li

if they tried that junk at one of my family's funerals, they would soon be planning a new one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2001
Sandy Ut.
On behalf of all the sane Yanks I offer my most heart felt apologies to the family of my fallen Canuck brother, and give all my other:beer; Canuck brothers permissions to exact any amount or form of justice they see fit. I will handle all the paper work!


Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
Absolutely f-ing ridiculous on both parts. They shouldn't even give these idiots press and as for the "church" they otta turn them around at the boarder.
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