Do everything you guys are talking about and they win..... Great!!!!!. We become a huddled mass of scare individuals that are too scared to go and do anything except pass laws that reduce the freedoms we once enjoyed to a fading memory. The whole premise behind terrorism is the fact you cant stop it. We cant control it or predict it and you cant tell who will participate in the cause. We have Americans running off trying to join ISIS. Do you think that by closing off our borders that they are all of a sudden going to stop believing in that ideology. Are we going to start lining up Americans and kicking them out? Just let me know what you want to hear, so when i am lined up i can pass your test questions so i can stay in this country. We have environmental terrorist in this country. we have religious terrorist that will bomb places that don't have their same belief structure. this is the world we live in. The free world where you can believe what you want, say what you want, and do what you want within in certain guidelines that all of us by voting have agreed to.
First thing we need to do to help prevent this is get the F out of their home land. But of course war is huge Business for the few people and corporations in this country who control what our military does and make money off of it so that wont happen anytime soon It is truly sad what happened to people in Paris. it is also hilariously sad that the first thing that is brought up is people behind their keyboards saying that they would not let this happen in this country because they have the right to carry a concealed weapon of my choice. God!! Help us all
I am not professing to have all the answers, I don't.
But doing nothing isn't working.
The Democrats are willing to trade our security for voter demographics. That in itself is criminal and disgusting.
The ACLU would prevent a widespread round-up, so as of now that is off the table.
There are things that we can all do.
Refuse any monetary interaction with anyone of Muslim faith. Cut off as much of their money flow as we can.
Don't buy from them, don't sell to them.
Make their existence as difficult as possible.
I suggest these non-violent avenues because I am rational. I realize that not all Muslims are terrorists.
However, nearly all terrorists are indeed Muslim.
We have made a grave mistake by letting them integrate into our society.
We need to accept that fact and find ways to change this dangerous course as soon as possible.