Painting a snowmobile.
Hello, I don't claim to be an expert on this, but I have painted a lot of Harleys, helmets, and etc. I have an 05 F7 and last year I painted everything except the gas tank. I first washed the sled and once dry I wiped the whole sled down with wax and grease remover. Then removed all of the panels. I wet sanded all of the panels with 600 grit. For the lower textered side panels I used a scotchbrite pad. Once again I washed the panels and wiped it down with wax and grease remover. I used House of Kolors AP-01 Adherto. I sprayed AP-01 on the panels, then I applied the base coat. I then started putting down my graphics. Since you just want to use flat black there are a couple of ways you can do it. You can use a black basecoat clearcoat. You can use flat or gloss it doesn't matter since you will be sanding it before you clear. There are matte finish clearcoats out there that will dull the paint. Now this is an extensive and costly way of doing it, but it will last. I painted my sled and rode in the U.P. of Michigan last season, bouncing off of trees and stumps and had no paint failure. If you have any questions let me know.