Why are there Outlaw events? Having put on the Big Dawg Shootout in the past I can tell you that the reason events like this exist is because there is a demand for them. There are no hill climbing circuits here in Canada, and the reason is because of all of the regulations. In order for an event to be done the right way it takes a lot of funds. Myself and my sledding buddy put the first Big Dawg Shootout on more than five years ago, and we did it for the love of the sport and having friends get together and have a good time. I am sure that is why O-Zone puts this event on every year, just so people can get together and enjoy themselves. We did not put the Big Dawg on last year, but had fully intended too do so this year. That is until we found out how unfeasible it was to do it by the book. In 2007 we did it by the book and any funds that where left over we put back into clubs and gave too the Canadian Avalanche Society. But now that the Government (tourisim Bc) is in charge of the tenors it is just unfeasible. The point I am trying too make is this, the government wants too License and register all snowmobiles and snowmobilers and put the money in there wallet! How is this going to help? They need to make events like this more feasible and maybe even help just like they do with baseball parks and swimming pools and ice arena's- you get the point. Events like this can exist if you have the man power and funds too do so. Maybe if the Government wasn't standing with there hand out and so many regulations but instead helping make more people aware of there surrounding in the backcountry. Maybe work together with the manufacturers and instead of offering a parts credit with your new snowmobile offer an Avalanche Course. The reason events like this are outlaw is because our Government with all there regulations make it impossible to do it the right way, and we are forced to have these outlaw events. Maybe if they did not make it so out of our reach accidents like this could have been avoided. Having the man power and the funds too have the hill and spectator areas checked before an event is too happen and all the safety measures in place too reduce the risk as much as possible.
We all know the risk when we enter the Backcountry whether we are snowmobilers or skier's or mountaineers or what ever! I have never looked at the Avalanche report and seen no avalanche danger. We are responsible for ourselves when we enter the back country and we should all be as educated as possible for the dangers and how too spot the dangers involved with going into the back country.
I salute all the hero's who where involved with the rescue of the people buried in the Avalanche in Revy this past weekend. If it wasn't for the preparedness of all involved the casualties could have been much greater. Our prayers go out to the families and friends affected by this situation.
We all know the risk when we enter the Backcountry whether we are snowmobilers or skier's or mountaineers or what ever! I have never looked at the Avalanche report and seen no avalanche danger. We are responsible for ourselves when we enter the back country and we should all be as educated as possible for the dangers and how too spot the dangers involved with going into the back country.
I salute all the hero's who where involved with the rescue of the people buried in the Avalanche in Revy this past weekend. If it wasn't for the preparedness of all involved the casualties could have been much greater. Our prayers go out to the families and friends affected by this situation.