FYI this is how I set my alignment by cat specs.
I set them 1/8" to 1/4" toe out.
Be sure the track is aligned first.
I then take a set of tie downs, set the bars straight and put a tie down from each bar to the back of the tunnel and secure the bars so they will not move.
Next I run a straight edge/2x2 board along the edge of the track to the front of the skis. I measure heel first from the inside of the board to the center of the rear carbide bolt. I then check for toe out from the edge of the board to the center of the front carbide bolt.
(If you feel there is not atiquate space between the carbide bolts mark the center of the ski 4 inches from the heel and just before the bend "up" in the ski tip and this should give you the proper toe out area to check).
I then release the tie down holds from the bars to the tunnel and recheck the alignment.
Keep in mind....When you are on the sled looking down at the ski tips they do not look aligned at times so this may cause you to think the alignment is off! It's kind of like beleiving in your compass, you need to trust the alignment!
Thought I would share this, works everytime for me!