Yesterday I stumbled onto this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtDUJ_DoZhc and that started me searching for the builder, which led me to the following website: http://onetrack.se/. Using google translator, I've been able to get some of the details of the kit and its price, which is roughly $4,350. I already have the bike, but my son is growing fast and may be too big for the 65 within a year or two, and I know next to nothing about the builder of this kit or the quality of the kit itself, so it would be a crap shoot to pull the trigger on something like this ... but could be a lot of fun if it works as advertised. My son rides moto primarily, and we have a nice little track behind the house where I could see him running this kit. I don't have unrealistic notions about running this in deep snow. Anyone have experience with this builder or their kits?