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OLLIE!!! the Sky is falling!!!


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May 11, 2004
Obama approval rating sinks to 50 percent: poll

WASHINGTON, Aug 6, 2009 (AFP) – US President Barack Obama's approval rating has slumped to 50 percent, the lowest since his inauguration, according to a poll released Thursday on the eve of his 200th day in office.

Quinnipiac University said the president's job approval rating dipped to 50 percent, versus 42 percent who disapprove -- a reflection of growing unease over Obama's handling of the economy, which sank into a devastating recession last year prompting his administration to unleash a deficit-stretching stimulus package, and health care which faces a critical overhaul in Congress.

The figure is a substantial drop from the 57-33 percent approval rating he had on July 2, and far less than the numbers he enjoyed in the honeymoon first 100 days of his tenure.

The poll of 2,409 registered voters nationwide found they disapproved 49-45 percent of the way Obama was handling the economy, and disapproved 52-39 percent on his handling of health care, but approved 52-38 percent of his foreign policy.

While Republicans disapproved of the Democratic president's job performance by an expectedly large margin of 77-16 percent, the poll found that Americans disapproved 59-29 percent of how Republicans in Congress were doing their job and that they trusted Obama over Republicans 47-36 percent to fix the economy and 46-37 percent to deal with health care.

"The president is right on the magic 50-percent threshold in public approval because of bad grades on the economy and even worse grades on health care," said Peter Brown, assistant director of Quinnipiac's Polling Institute.

"The good news... is that American voters still see him as better able to handle the economy and health care than Republicans in Congress," Brown said. "The bad news is his margins are shrinking."

On July 21 a USA Today/Gallup poll found Obama's approval rating was 55 percent six months into his presidency, one point lower than that of his predecessor George W. Bush at the same point in his tenure.

Another poll released Thursday revealed better numbers for Obama, the nation's first black president, but showed the same downward trend as Quinnipiac's.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation telephone poll of 1,136 adult Americans -- including what it described as an "oversample of African-Americans" -- said 56 percent of respondents approved of the way Obama was handling his job, compared with 40 percent who disapprove.

In late June, that figure stood at 61-37 percent, according to CNN.

The Quinnipiac poll said 93 percent of respondents described the US economy as "not so good" or "poor," with just 28 percent saying it is improving, and 29 percent saying it is getting worse. Forty-one percent saw no change.

The survey also found that "by a 49-33 percent margin, voters think his policies will help the economy, but they believe, 36-33 percent, that Obama's policies will hurt their personal financial situation," Brown said.

The poll conducted July 27 to August 3 had a margin of error of two percentage points.

Obama has hit the road in recent weeks, traveling to parts of the American heartland to push his efforts to stabilize the economy and his bid to reform health care.

He has pledged to overhaul the US health care system. He and most Democratic lawmakers want to introduce a public coverage option, while many Republican members of Congress and some conservative Democrats are against the idea.

On Tuesday a Harris Interactive online survey showed a majority of Americans are in favor, 52-30 percent, of having a government-run health care option as proposed by Obama.

Quinnipiac also showed that Obama was licking his wounds in the wake of a race scandal in which he said police "acted stupidly" when a white officer arrested prominent black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates at the scholar's own home last month.

By 46-37 percent, respondents said Obama himself acted "stupidly" in the dispute, and by a margin of 62-26 percent they said Obama should not have intervened at all.



Mar 16, 2004
huh, a poll.
I don't put a lot of stock in polls.
You can make them say what ever you want depending on where you take it.
Take that same poll in north dakota and his numbers would be a LOT lower. Take it in california and he would be god (just like MSNBC said he was).
Now it is interesting that even the media can't hide his sinking numbers. Even bo admitted back in feb/march that if the american people didn't see a marked improvment in the economy by the end of august he and the dems would be in trouble. What do you know, he was right.

What I do find interesting is the dems attack adds they are putting on the web, where they attack people at the town hall meetings. According to them, if you are dressed nice and don't agree with them, you are a right wing paid aggressive assault artist out to destroy the country and harm bo.

When Bush was in office they called people that disrupted republican town hall meetings and attacked Bush, patriots. Guess they don't like mommy and daddy being questioned by upstarts.

The "stop the spending" movement is growing and growing fast. Everyone is asking questions and wanting answers and no-one has them and the ones that try to answer are being proven wrong.

The dems better back up and stop the slam adds or it is going to get worse fast, and now bo is saying they will pass obamacare whether any republicans sign on or not. THey will pull a couple different procedural maneuvers to bypass the system and make it happen anyway.

Bottom line, if you know of a town hall meeting in your area, go and let your voice be heard.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
Farmington NM
but approved 52-38 percent of his foreign policy.

That right there proves the poeple who participated in this poll are retarded as a group!


Mar 16, 2004
You wait.
The dems will ram this thing thru and the country is going to explode.
Dec 31, 2007
Lolo, MT
I'm curious as to how Pelosi can get away with saying those of us attending Town Hall meetings are paid by K street lobbyists and are wearing swastikas. Anyone with a brain can see the anger is not "manufactured" and that when a congressman says something the crowd has intelligent, well-informed questions.

How can she get away with saying the swastika thing, the astroturf thing, CIA lied w/o proof? What would happen if I printed or said that she hates gays and I heard her tell me she wants them to all die painful deaths and that I've seen Pelosi putting the AIDS virus in the water in San Francisco?

It has been established, however, that ACORN does organize and bus protesters to picket. You can tell (besides their ACORN shirts) that they have pre-printed signs and chant the same things and don't have any intelligent responses.

Besides, I haven't yet seen a single teleprompter in the crowds at any town hall meeting.


Mar 16, 2004
I'm curious as to how Pelosi can get away with saying those of us attending Town Hall meetings are paid by K street lobbyists and are wearing swastikas. Anyone with a brain can see the anger is not "manufactured" and that when a congressman says something the crowd has intelligent, well-informed questions.

How can she get away with saying the swastika thing, the astroturf thing, CIA lied w/o proof? What would happen if I printed or said that she hates gays and I heard her tell me she wants them to all die painful deaths and that I've seen Pelosi putting the AIDS virus in the water in San Francisco?

It has been established, however, that ACORN does organize and bus protesters to picket. You can tell (besides their ACORN shirts) that they have pre-printed signs and chant the same things and don't have any intelligent responses.

Besides, I haven't yet seen a single teleprompter in the crowds at any town hall meeting.

because the media lets her get away with it.
Nobody questions her or demands answers.


Feb 26, 2008
Bismarck, ND
huh, a poll.
I don't put a lot of stock in polls.
You can make them say what ever you want depending on where you take it.
Take that same poll in north dakota and his numbers would be a LOT lower. Take it in california and he would be god (just like MSNBC said he was).
Now it is interesting that even the media can't hide his sinking numbers. Even bo admitted back in feb/march that if the american people didn't see a marked improvment in the economy by the end of august he and the dems would be in trouble. What do you know, he was right.

What I do find interesting is the dems attack adds they are putting on the web, where they attack people at the town hall meetings. According to them, if you are dressed nice and don't agree with them, you are a right wing paid aggressive assault artist out to destroy the country and harm bo.

When Bush was in office they called people that disrupted republican town hall meetings and attacked Bush, patriots. Guess they don't like mommy and daddy being questioned by upstarts.

The "stop the spending" movement is growing and growing fast. Everyone is asking questions and wanting answers and no-one has them and the ones that try to answer are being proven wrong.

The dems better back up and stop the slam adds or it is going to get worse fast, and now bo is saying they will pass obamacare whether any republicans sign on or not. THey will pull a couple different procedural maneuvers to bypass the system and make it happen anyway.

Bottom line, if you know of a town hall meeting in your area, go and let your voice be heard.

Amen to that, when is his term up????
Nov 26, 2007
billings, MT
You wait.
The dems will ram this thing thru and the country is going to explode.

what i cant figure out is if they do ram it through its political suicide for them... or is it? what do they know or have up their sleeve that they would push this through and think that they will be re-elected? oh and i agree ollie, if this goes through that is it... something has to been done!


Mar 16, 2004
I don't know if it is much about getting re-elected as it is a blind idealog about what is right and wrong.
It would be a MAJOR shift in the direction of this country and they may very well be willing to write off a few dozen careers in exchange for it.
Once a federal program is put in place it is almost impossible to get rid of.

That and they would have a year to convince people that it is in their best interest. I am willilng to bet they think they can get enough people to just go along with it that they won't be hurt too bad.
Nov 26, 2007
billings, MT
I don't know if it is much about getting re-elected as it is a blind idealog about what is right and wrong.
It would be a MAJOR shift in the direction of this country and they may very well be willing to write off a few dozen careers in exchange for it.
Once a federal program is put in place it is almost impossible to get rid of.

That and they would have a year to convince people that it is in their best interest. I am willilng to bet they think they can get enough people to just go along with it that they won't be hurt too bad.

yeah you are more than likely right on the money!:beer;:D


Mar 16, 2004
Do you know why the dems are trying SO hard to get at least a few republicans on board with obamacare??

We the people won't be able to blame the dems if it is both parties that do it.
Otherwise they would have already rammed it down out throats like they have everything else.
Nov 26, 2007
billings, MT
Do you know why the dems are trying SO hard to get at least a few republicans on board with obamacare??

We the people won't be able to blame the dems if it is both parties that do it.

Otherwise they would have already rammed it down out throats like they have everything else.

exactly... they dont need any repubs... that can be the only explanation!:(
Nov 26, 2007
Everett, Wa.
Much of this bill will not come into effect for awhile and losing the employer paid healthcare will take up to 5 years so if they get it by now it will not be to obvious before the next election cycle for the house. One thing about the American voter their memories are short term thats why they always want an October surprise on election years. Swampy:eek:

what i cant figure out is if they do ram it through its political suicide for them... or is it? what do they know or have up their sleeve that they would push this through and think that they will be re-elected? oh and i agree ollie, if this goes through that is it... something has to been done!
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