Saving from old forum............
Initial AVALANCHE Protocol ............ If one happens and you are a spectator ;
#1 ! - Ensure your own safety first. If you are out of the way........
#2 - Watch the victim in the actual avalanche to see where he is last seen to start the search BELOW ! that point, MUST HAVE THIS!!!!
#3 - EVERYONE turn your Beacons to search so there will be no mixed signals!!
#4 - Turn off all cell phones & 2 - way radios within the Search area.
#5 - Someone take the lead On trying to contact RESCUE. Cellphone, radios etc. Away from the search area.
#6 - Everyone else, RACE, RUN, RIDE or whatever it takes.... to get to the point closest to where last seen. Take Shovels, Probes and Rescue Equipment
#7 - Fan out and Begin the Search downhill.
We all talk about them, gear to have, what to NOT doo, what to watch for, But I have never seen someone actually write what your initial actions should be if you are a spectator and see one happen ..........
If I have missed anything, Feel Free to chime in.
PLEASE People................ Be Safe!!
Initial AVALANCHE Protocol ............ If one happens and you are a spectator ;
#1 ! - Ensure your own safety first. If you are out of the way........
#2 - Watch the victim in the actual avalanche to see where he is last seen to start the search BELOW ! that point, MUST HAVE THIS!!!!
#3 - EVERYONE turn your Beacons to search so there will be no mixed signals!!
#4 - Turn off all cell phones & 2 - way radios within the Search area.
#5 - Someone take the lead On trying to contact RESCUE. Cellphone, radios etc. Away from the search area.
#6 - Everyone else, RACE, RUN, RIDE or whatever it takes.... to get to the point closest to where last seen. Take Shovels, Probes and Rescue Equipment
#7 - Fan out and Begin the Search downhill.
We all talk about them, gear to have, what to NOT doo, what to watch for, But I have never seen someone actually write what your initial actions should be if you are a spectator and see one happen ..........
If I have missed anything, Feel Free to chime in.
PLEASE People................ Be Safe!!