Get a call from ReTodd AKA (The Meteorologist) yesterday morning sayin Dude its gonna be clear by 2 at baker 23'' of new from tuesday morning lets role, ended up getting up there around 1, 3 rigs in the parking lot and sunbreaks is a sure sign the day is gonna be epic. Trail was actually not bad with the fresh snow, rode until seven ran out of gas and did good work on trackin sulfur draws and up and big house up. the other sleds stayed down by pheanut so all of railroad, baker pass is still untouched. If anyone plan's on going up (pop can) do not follow the track we made down couldn't find the damn trail and zig zagged all the way down finally made after a half hour and hardly any gas. Heres some pics, vid coming shortly was gonna post last night but we had to stop at the birdsview brewery for a couple of glasses of muscle relaxers, they have some good beer there I highly recomend it.