Anybody listening to his latest pitch?
CLaiming there are no pet projects in the bill.
Claims spending millions on honey bee research will open up the credit market. Your guess is as good as mine.
Claims the bill will save OR create 4 million jobs. Impossible to track so claim what you want.
Claims the failed theories of the past 8 years created this issue. We started down this path in the early 90's, someone get that man a history book.
Apparently because there are no earmarks, there is no pork in the bill. Not the case sir.
He is under the inpression that the government has to do something, be it the right thing or not. Beautiful.
If this bill goes through I fear the future for my son.
CLaiming there are no pet projects in the bill.
Claims spending millions on honey bee research will open up the credit market. Your guess is as good as mine.
Claims the bill will save OR create 4 million jobs. Impossible to track so claim what you want.
Claims the failed theories of the past 8 years created this issue. We started down this path in the early 90's, someone get that man a history book.
Apparently because there are no earmarks, there is no pork in the bill. Not the case sir.
He is under the inpression that the government has to do something, be it the right thing or not. Beautiful.
If this bill goes through I fear the future for my son.
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