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Obama is coming here to "work with" Max Baucus on health care

Dec 31, 2007
Lolo, MT
A few weeks or so ago BO met with the CBO (can you say "conflict of interest") when he didn't like the #s CBO came up with for the insane cost of health care reform. Now...

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama's opposition to taxing employer-provided health benefits has slowed progress on passing a health care reform bill, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee complained Thursday.

Sen. Max Baucus says President Obama's stand against taxing employer health benefits is slowing down a bill.

"Basically, the president is not helping us," said Sen. Max Baucus, D-Montana, after emerging from closed talks on the bill. "He does not want the exclusion, and that's making it difficult." ...


Uh Oh!!

POTUS on Baucus home turf

By MARTIN & BURNS | 08/05/09 7:55 PM

President Obama is headed next week to Montana, the home state of Senate Finance Committee Chairman ...

... Max Baucus, according to local reports.

A senior White House official told POLITICO the trip will be "an opportunity to work with Baucus to highlight the need for health insurance reform."

Nov 26, 2007
Everett, Wa.
Make sure you find out if they will have a townhall meeting and get peeps there with pointed questions to expose his lowness, maybe you can play hardball and get a trip to the pokey, I would love the opportunity. We ran Hillary care out of Seattle in the ninetys when we hijacked her big dog and pony show. Swampy:D:beer;
Dec 31, 2007
Lolo, MT
Baucus is supposed to be here in Missoula on Aug 13 I believe at the Holiday Inn Parkside. You have to RSVP, but we were going to be outside. (You know, us paid "well dressed" people that K Street lobbyists are paying to disrupt Dems' plans - you know the ones that "manufactured anger" and are just "astroturf.")

Actually because all over the nation these Town Halls are erupting with standing room only, packed out, people standing outside wanting answers, the Dems are freaking out and cancelling the Town Halls. (Yeah, all of us violent right wing extremists scare the crap out of them.)

They can't handle that we are finally waking up and paying attention and that we know the bills better than they do. Plus we have questions they can't answer and when they lie, we call them on the carpet.
Nov 26, 2007
Everett, Wa.
Where were all these people in November? Hey let me know how much you get paid I might need to enhance my income!!:D:D:beer;

Baucus is supposed to be here in Missoula on Aug 13 I believe at the Holiday Inn Parkside. You have to RSVP, but we were going to be outside. (You know, us paid "well dressed" people that K Street lobbyists are paying to disrupt Dems' plans - you know the ones that "manufactured anger" and are just "astroturf.")

Actually because all over the nation these Town Halls are erupting with standing room only, packed out, people standing outside wanting answers, the Dems are freaking out and cancelling the Town Halls. (Yeah, all of us violent right wing extremists scare the crap out of them.)

They can't handle that we are finally waking up and paying attention and that we know the bills better than they do. Plus we have questions they can't answer and when they lie, we call them on the carpet.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Great Falls Mt
figures. he is visiting the most liberal city in montana. i would love to see someone kick him square in the teeth!
Dec 31, 2007
Lolo, MT
Where were all these people in November? Hey let me know how much you get paid I might need to enhance my income!!:D:D:beer;

Yeah, I know. It's funny to hear how alarmed people are now. A lot of us who paid attention to who this joker is knew back then. I guess most people don't pay attention until it starts affecting their lives. But prior to that Congress was putting in Bill after Bill that set the wheels in motion.

Speaking of Bills - It's really entertaining to go on Thomas.gov, click on "yesterday in Congress" on the right side, and look at what Congress is doing each day. Mostly it's Bills to honor such and such a day or declare the World Series winners victors or crap like that. And they're getting paid. Here are some examples.

A resolution designating September 2009 as "Campus Fire Safety Month".

A resolution recognizing September 11 as a "National Day of Service and Remembrance".

A resolution designating September 26, 2009, as "National Estuaries Day".

A resolution designating the month of August 2009 as "Agent Orange Awareness Month".

Back to Health Care: To me, the easiest thing to say at the Town Halls is "Congressman/Senator, you have two options 1) put all of America on the same health care plan we pay for you to have or 2) you drop your lavish plan and go on the one you are creating for us."
Dec 19, 2007
Surrounded by Dumbacrat's
Yeah, I know. It's funny to hear how alarmed people are now. A lot of us who paid attention to who this joker is knew back then. I guess most people don't pay attention until it starts affecting their lives. But prior to that Congress was putting in Bill after Bill that set the wheels in motion.

Speaking of Bills - It's really entertaining to go on Thomas.gov, click on "yesterday in Congress" on the right side, and look at what Congress is doing each day. Mostly it's Bills to honor such and such a day or declare the World Series winners victors or crap like that. And they're getting paid. Here are some examples.

A resolution designating September 2009 as "Campus Fire Safety Month".

A resolution recognizing September 11 as a "National Day of Service and Remembrance".

A resolution designating September 26, 2009, as "National Estuaries Day".

A resolution designating the month of August 2009 as "Agent Orange Awareness Month".

Back to Health Care: To me, the easiest thing to say at the Town Halls is "Congressman/Senator, you have two options 1) put all of America on the same health care plan we pay for you to have or 2) you drop your lavish plan and go on the one you are creating for us."

Hehe a part time job that pays for a lifetime :eek:

How does House Cleaning sound? :mad:
Nov 26, 2007
Everett, Wa.
Yes I have been going there alot lately to research our congressmens voting record. So far I have documented Dave Reichert R. has voted 75% with the democrats. I wish I had more time to research further on other reps. Swampy:beer;

Yeah, I know. It's funny to hear how alarmed people are now. A lot of us who paid attention to who this joker is knew back then. I guess most people don't pay attention until it starts affecting their lives. But prior to that Congress was putting in Bill after Bill that set the wheels in motion.

Speaking of Bills - It's really entertaining to go on Thomas.gov, click on "yesterday in Congress" on the right side, and look at what Congress is doing each day. Mostly it's Bills to honor such and such a day or declare the World Series winners victors or crap like that. And they're getting paid. Here are some examples.

A resolution designating September 2009 as "Campus Fire Safety Month".

A resolution recognizing September 11 as a "National Day of Service and Remembrance".

A resolution designating September 26, 2009, as "National Estuaries Day".

A resolution designating the month of August 2009 as "Agent Orange Awareness Month".

Back to Health Care: To me, the easiest thing to say at the Town Halls is "Congressman/Senator, you have two options 1) put all of America on the same health care plan we pay for you to have or 2) you drop your lavish plan and go on the one you are creating for us."
Dec 31, 2007
Lolo, MT
Baucus will be in Missoula today and I can't go. Fox said Montana is "ground zero" for Health Care because of Baucus' position. I'm dying to know if any of you MT guys are going to the Town Hall at the Holiday Inn Parkside at 4:30.

I'm even more interested in tomorrow with BO and Baucus in Bozeman.
Nov 27, 2007
Not like they'll let any REAL Montanians in to the townhall... Make all us right wing crazies sit outside in the rain with our cute little signs.
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