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obama has fallen! !Lets HOPE he does not get up!!


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May 11, 2004
What a difference four months can make: Back in March, an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll showed President Obama's approval rating at an all-time high, with 68 percent of Americans holding a "favorable" opinion of the new president.

But a recent "poll of polls" by CNN shows that Obama's approval rating has sunk below 60 percent. And on the key issue of health-care reform, the public's approval of his handling of the hot-button issue has plummeted below 50 percent for the first time.

According to CNN, an average of five different national polls taken this month (Gallup, Ipsos/McClatchy, Diageo/Hotline, USA Today/Gallup and CBS News), shows that 57 percent of Americans approve of Obama, with 36 percent disapproving.

In comparison, though, Obama is pretty much in the same boat as past presidents within in the same time frame. From CNN:

Former President George W. Bush also drew a 57 percent approval rating six months into his presidency, in July 2001. Bill Clinton stood at 48 percent in July 1993. Two-thirds of Americans polled approved of George H.W. Bush's job as president in July 1989, and six out of 10 gave Ronald Reagan the thumbs-up in July 1981.

According to ABC, only five previous presidents had higher approval ratings at this stage of their presidencies: Truman scored in the 80th percentile six months in, while Eisenhower, Kennedy, LBJ and George H.W. Bush had approval ratings "in the 70s."

But Obama's new numbers are still quite a drop from his heady days in November 2008. A Gallup poll taken just after the 2008 election showed Bush with a 27 percent approval rating, compared to President-elect Obama's 70 percent.

However, personality isn't the same as policy: As in the March poll, Obama's personal approval rating is still higher than approval for his actual policies. When it comes to how Obama is doing on specific issues, the numbers paint a different picture. From the ABC/Washington Post poll:

- Economy: 52 percent approve; down 8 points

- Health care: 49 percent approve; down from 57 percent

- Deficit: 43 percent approve of the president's handling of the spiraling U.S. deficit

For those who like to take the long view (or time travel), Rasmussen released a new poll showing that if the 2012 election were held today, Obama and Republican Mitt Romney would be tied at 45 percent. But Obama still beats soon-to-be-former Gov. Sarah Palin, 48 percent to 42 percent.

But there's one person whose numbers beat everyone else's: first lady Michelle Obama. The L.A. Times reports that a new summertime poll shows that 68 percent of Americans approve of President Obama's better half. Her approval numbers even cross party lines. From the L.A. Times' Top of the Ticket blog:

Three-quarters of Americans (77%) think the first lady is a positive influence on her husband; 84% of women think so while 69% of men agree. But even a majority of Republicans (53%) think that, while Democrats are nearly unanimous on that question (94%).

President Michelle Obama, anyone?

Oct 15, 2008
According to CNN, an average of five different national polls taken this month (Gallup, Ipsos/McClatchy, Diageo/Hotline, USA Today/Gallup and CBS News), shows that 57 percent of Americans approve of Obama, with 36 percent disapproving.

Are 57% of the people in this country really idiots?

winter brew

Premium Member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
LakeTapps, Wa.
According to CNN, an average of five different national polls taken this month (Gallup, Ipsos/McClatchy, Diageo/Hotline, USA Today/Gallup and CBS News), shows that 57 percent of Americans approve of Obama, with 36 percent disapproving.

Are 57% of the people in this country really idiots?

They are selective about who they poll.

Jeff C

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 4, 2001
Mahtomedi, MN
According to CNN, an average of five different national polls taken this month (Gallup, Ipsos/McClatchy, Diageo/Hotline, USA Today/Gallup and CBS News), shows that 57 percent of Americans approve of Obama, with 36 percent disapproving.

Are 57% of the people in this country really idiots?

Yes, and if you believe those polls, your an idiot............
Nov 28, 2007
What a difference four months can make: Back in March, an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll showed President Obama's approval rating at an all-time high, with 68 percent of Americans holding a "favorable" opinion of the new president.

But a recent "poll of polls" by CNN shows that Obama's approval rating has sunk below 60 percent. And on the key issue of health-care reform, the public's approval of his handling of the hot-button issue has plummeted below 50 percent for the first time.

According to CNN, an average of five different national polls taken this month (Gallup, Ipsos/McClatchy, Diageo/Hotline, USA Today/Gallup and CBS News), shows that 57 percent of Americans approve of Obama, with 36 percent disapproving.

In comparison, though, Obama is pretty much in the same boat as past presidents within in the same time frame. From CNN:

Former President George W. Bush also drew a 57 percent approval rating six months into his presidency, in July 2001. Bill Clinton stood at 48 percent in July 1993. Two-thirds of Americans polled approved of George H.W. Bush's job as president in July 1989, and six out of 10 gave Ronald Reagan the thumbs-up in July 1981.

According to ABC, only five previous presidents had higher approval ratings at this stage of their presidencies: Truman scored in the 80th percentile six months in, while Eisenhower, Kennedy, LBJ and George H.W. Bush had approval ratings "in the 70s."

But Obama's new numbers are still quite a drop from his heady days in November 2008. A Gallup poll taken just after the 2008 election showed Bush with a 27 percent approval rating, compared to President-elect Obama's 70 percent.

However, personality isn't the same as policy: As in the March poll, Obama's personal approval rating is still higher than approval for his actual policies. When it comes to how Obama is doing on specific issues, the numbers paint a different picture. From the ABC/Washington Post poll:

- Economy: 52 percent approve; down 8 points

- Health care: 49 percent approve; down from 57 percent

- Deficit: 43 percent approve of the president's handling of the spiraling U.S. deficit

For those who like to take the long view (or time travel), Rasmussen released a new poll showing that if the 2012 election were held today, Obama and Republican Mitt Romney would be tied at 45 percent. But Obama still beats soon-to-be-former Gov. Sarah Palin, 48 percent to 42 percent.

But there's one person whose numbers beat everyone else's: first lady Michelle Obama. The L.A. Times reports that a new summertime poll shows that 68 percent of Americans approve of President Obama's better half. Her approval numbers even cross party lines. From the L.A. Times' Top of the Ticket blog:

Three-quarters of Americans (77%) think the first lady is a positive influence on her husband; 84% of women think so while 69% of men agree. But even a majority of Republicans (53%) think that, while Democrats are nearly unanimous on that question (94%).

President Michelle Obama, anyone?


And so if Mccain got elected the economy would have just jumped back to normal?! :rolleyes:
Apr 13, 2002
And so if Mccain got elected the economy would have just jumped back to normal?! :rolleyes:

Short answer, no. But we would not be in a out of control spending spree with money we don't have. Also we would not be in the process of slowly taking away everyones personal freedoms. Bo reminds me of alot of women I have met. What, I can't afford it? Well, I'll just charge it.
Jan 24, 2009
Silverthorne, CO
If George Bush hadnt been such a faluire, Obama wouldnt have had such a high rating in November. Also the fact that he is the first minority president helped him. Now people are juding him by what he is doing, not who he is or what he says. He has a lot of problems to fix, more than any president since I have been alive. His approval rating will not go up untill he starts to accomplish what he said he would.
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