wow, everyone please disregard my previous post. I went over there and browsed their forums, and so far have only been able to make it through one thread. I am baffled as to whether these people are really serious or not, and if they really are, this country is royally screwed. That site doesn't need hijacking at all, cause there's nothing there to hijack, we could go over there and be sarcastic and nobody there would have the brain power to pick up on it.
heres some of the quotes that really scare me
"obama is gonna end all this "election" **** reeal soon. obama will be leader of the world for life!"
"this be a perfect example of why president needs to raise taxes on whiteys. they gots too much money to waste on stuff they dont be needin. that money culd be given to blaks like us."
"praise be to obama."
"the checks are in the mail *****. the white men in washington have been keepin him from sendin them to us, but obama gots it taken care of.
you shud be thankful for your $13 cracka. obama didnt owe you rasict honkeys nothin but he gave you money anyway."
I could keep going with this post, but then the site would shut down because of an overload on stupidity. This nation has really went into the gutter. There is one guy over there standing up for "crackas" though.