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O/T How obama Won The Election..

Nov 26, 2007

Been reading on this after i heard of it on the news. I was wondering how long it would take the documentarians too make something like this because it was rediculous the amount of Media backing obama.. Everyones aware that Palin slipped up in interviews but what about when Biden asked a Senator in a wheel chair to stand up?? That was like Bush waving at Stevie Wonder, but nobody cares because the media didnt blow it up. Scary to see that so many people voted for him without the facts, just because they saw his face on TV with the words "change" next to it, but i guess thats politics. Rant over.:mad:

Thought id share this site for anybody who might be interested.
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Jan 9, 2008
Yup it's nice to see that some others seem to realize what just happened. Are we really ok with the media choosing are leaders for us? The ignorant masses are easily swayed, but usually too apathetic to be of concern. They ran an amazing campaign, full of deceit and dishonorable practices, but amazing nonetheless. I wonder what Obama really thinks about his campaign, does he truly believe that he is what he has fooled the people into believing that he is or does know that he is a charlatan? This rant could go on and on so I'll just stop here, with a fervent hope that he'll do some good or at minimum not do too much bad.
Dec 13, 2007
What really burns my A$$ is that the media won't stop with just bashing Sarah and getting an unqualified, Muslim loving, socialist supporting, want to give the lazy good for nothin's a hand out for a president. But they continue to try to destroy not only Sara, but her family.
Levi knocked up Bristol, ok we know kids make mistakes. But as parents we have to love them. He went to work on the slope, but the media had to stick their long nose in and ruin that. Levi's mom got busted for selling oxycontin, so what, there are 5000 other people that get busted too, but that never makes the media. Maybe they should talk about why mrs.Johnston has it, I believe she is battling terminal cancer, but the media doesn't care. They just want to attack Sara, any way they can. Even our own local Alaska media is involved. I can't even stand to watch the news any more. You would think at least the local news would play fair. Do me a favor and keep those liberal freaks in Anchorage, maybe some gang banger will knock them off. The rest of you oil burnin, gas guzzlin, gun tote'n rednecks are welcome to come out and enjoy the real Alaska with the rest of us true Alaskans.


Apr 11, 2008
What really burns my A$$ is that the media won't stop with just bashing Sarah and getting an unqualified, Muslim loving, socialist supporting, want to give the lazy good for nothin's a hand out for a president. But they continue to try to destroy not only Sara, but her family.
Levi knocked up Bristol, ok we know kids make mistakes. But as parents we have to love them. He went to work on the slope, but the media had to stick their long nose in and ruin that. Levi's mom got busted for selling oxycontin, so what, there are 5000 other people that get busted too, but that never makes the media. Maybe they should talk about why mrs.Johnston has it, I believe she is battling terminal cancer, but the media doesn't care. They just want to attack Sara, any way they can. Even our own local Alaska media is involved. I can't even stand to watch the news any more. You would think at least the local news would play fair. Do me a favor and keep those liberal freaks in Anchorage, maybe some gang banger will knock them off. The rest of you oil burnin, gas guzzlin, gun tote'n rednecks are welcome to come out and enjoy the real Alaska with the rest of us true Alaskans.

Ditto that! :cool:


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Dec 1, 2008
Daniel Webster warned, "There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing."

The greatest threat to America does not come from China, Russia, Iraq, Iran, or any other foreign country. America's greatest threat comes from a uninformed and complacent populace who would sit back and do nothing while our own civil magistrates surrender our nation's sovereignty and independence to international interests, casting an uninformed vote or failing to vote at all (either are equally damaging).

Get informed, get involved.....VOTE YOUR CONCIENCE!!

Plagiarized but pretty much covers my thoughts
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