if you are running the oem fuel tank on the fx nytro, you can access all three plugs from the top left hand side of the sled. no i dont have small hands. LOL! it is a pain in the butt due to the plugwire/coil assy fitting very tight in the cyl hole for the sparkplug.
rotate the plug boots clockwise and counter clockwise while pulling upward on the boot carefully. the boot will pop out of the cyl hole with pacience and alittle time. use an extension with swivel, and a the smaller 5/8" std deep well sparkplug socket, and remove the plug. reinstall new plug, tighten and the add some dialectric grease to the inside of the boot, and then reinstall the plugwire/coil assy in the hole making sure it clicks on the plug and seals to the top of the cylinder well.
to make this very easy on you... mark each plug wire if they are not already marked (1,2,3) and leave the plug wires out till you get all three new plugs in. this will give you access to each of the plug hoes with no wires in the way. reinstall the plug wires from the right to the left (brake rotor side first, then the center, then the clutch side last)
if you are running the trail tank, you will need to tank the tank off to get to them. i cant see you ever fouling a plug with efi on a four stroke. never fouled one in a sport bike. you wont be changing these all the time like the two strokes, i can tell you that. some of the carbed 4 strokes would foul plugs (mostly in the warmer months) when guys would start them at 50-80 degrees when they were jetted from the factory to be safe well below zero. can you say holy over fueled cylinders batman? if you use common sense you will be fine. ski