If the globe just started warming up wouldn't we still be still be under a mile of ice? LOL. I'm amazed that these retards can't figure out that the world started warming up after the last ice age. The cave men didn't stop riding their sleds and fix the emisions on their cars to stop it 10,000 years ago how in he!! could it have anything to do with us. I just watched a movie about how the ice is depleting so fast it's killing polar bears etc but then watch a show like Deadliest Catch and some of the captains have made comments like "I haven't seen the ice down this far for 30 years" and comments like that. Shouldn't the ice be way up by now, if the globe is warming soooooo fast. God these peaple are stupid, and they are in places of power, it's a scary thought. All Gore is the dumbest of them all. Mind you he probably knows that global warming doesn't exsist but he's getting rich off of it so he keeps going.