Every drag Ive been to is run the same way. Start with the slowest sleds and then work your way up to the big hp guns. I understand the thinking of saving the best or crowd pleasers for last but the problem is that there are always so many classes that these things go on forever. The biggest crowds are always there at the first of the races and by the time the Big open mods run most of the people have grown tired of watching sleds run and they have left. There needs to be some change in this area both to keep interest up for the fans and the racers. Really, who wants to see a stock 600 race a 660' drag? Im not saying put the mods sleds first but if you really want to race your stock 600 I think you should be willing to wait til the end as well. Mix it up, rotate between stock classes and big cc mod and dont just run the order.
The other problem is that by the time the big hp runs the track is usually hammered to death and these are the sleds that need a safe track to run on. just my .02 on drag racing.... (freak steps down off soap box)
The other problem is that by the time the big hp runs the track is usually hammered to death and these are the sleds that need a safe track to run on. just my .02 on drag racing.... (freak steps down off soap box)
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