I tried a set of Better Boards on a Nytro... install was easy and they worked great. I've seen them raw and powder coated... I thought the powder coated ones worked better, snow didn't stick to them.
The "grip" screws fall out frequently, and when they do, they are slick as hell. They don't offer any structural effects between the board and the tunnel wall, and with the Nytro, if you remove board, you better reinforce it!
Other than that, snow doesn't stick to them... and neither will you.
Here's the strange thing, I have the Black (powder coated) Better boards on my Nytro and they work AWSOME! I hate snow build up and they work almost as good as my Fabcraft (on my Rev).
My buddy was so impressed he got a set for his Cat M1, they don't work worth a crap I know they Cat drop bracket covers the last hole, but his running boards are filled with snow and ice and my Nytro is totally clear. Could it be the black powder coating on the Nytro that makes the difference?
BTW-I agree with motopshyc-o I would not want plastic to support my running boards. Get the powder coated Better Boards.
I had the M that moto spoke of above. At first the no sno sticking to the plastic seamed like a good idea But after a few rides and losing the traction "screws" lol they were not so good go with the Better Boards ! I think you will like them better and there def stronger
I had plastic no-snos on my Mountain Cat and they worked very well!!
My traction screws never fell out and snow would never collect on them.
I tried to buy some for my Nytro but I couldn't find anybody that manufactures them. I did install some powder coated Better Boards on my Nytro and found them to work even better.
Yep 100% the coated boards work the best. We grain everything and are coating almost all of them since it's so obvious that they perform the best. i've had both natural and coated on the same test sled and none of my personal sleds will ever be ridden without coated boards. That is $50 you can absolutely see work!
On the king cat model we just do the best with what we have available due to the chassis...huge bracket and rail system in the way so our holes are too small for maxi evacuation. If I had my way they would be extinct! BUT still better then nothing just not our best product by a long long ways.
The Yamaha NYTRO M-TX and now X-TX BETTER BOARDS are two of our most outstanding products both in performance and in professional quality appearance.
.....also thanks for the excellent reports and kudos from the real owners and users of Better Boards....nothing sells a product better then a real unsolicited quality referrel