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From huntingwashington. At least we have ALL the hunters on our side on this one!!
Author Topic: NO national park at Mount Saint Helens. (Read 55 times)
Location: Mt Saint Helens
Posts: 52
NO national park at Mount Saint Helens.
« on: Yesterday at 06:27:06 PM » Quote
Your attendance is needed on march 30 from 6pm to 9pm Monday evening.We need as many people as possible, to give public comment against a national park at mt saint Helen's.We will loose all hunting snowmobiling mt biking,and horseback riding opportunity's.This will affect 110 thousand acres of land at the mountain,that is currently a national monument controlled by the forest service.There will be no benefit to us outdoor enthusiast it Will take more public land from us.The units this will affect will be Lewis river 560 Toutle 556 Margaret 524 Winston 520 and Packwood 516.These areas are the most hunted units in the state and we stand to loose this.Please plan to attend, this is one evening out of you life,but may affect the rest of our life's.By showing up, this will tell the committee members that you want to keep our public lands public.I have posted below emails of the senators, congressman and mt saint Helen's advisory committee members that are involved in this matter.Send them a letter showing your disapproval about trying to lock us out of public use.Thanks b barnesDebbie Slack <slack@co.skamania.wa.us
shac comments <shaccomments@co.skamania.wa.us
Axel Swanson <swansona@co.cowlitz.wa.us
Brian Willoughby <brian_willoughby@cantwell.senate.gov
Casey Roeder <casey@skamania.org
Debbie Slack <slack@co.skamania.wa.us
Jim Adams <jima@nwinterp.org
Jim Sedell <jimsedell@yahoo.com
Lee Grose <bocc@co.lewis.wa.us
Maree Lerchen <maree@windermere.com
Mark Plotkin <mark@visitmtsthelens.com
Mark Smith <ecoparkman@mac.com
Mary Kay Nelson <Info@VisitRainier.com
Nancy Parkes <n.parkes@comcast.net
Page Phillips <page.phillips@mail.house.gov
Paul Pearce <pearce@co.skamania.wa.us
Sherie Weisser <dsweisser@gmail.com
Theresa Wagner <theresa_wagner@murray.senate.gov
Author Topic: NO national park at Mount Saint Helens. (Read 55 times)
Location: Mt Saint Helens
Posts: 52
NO national park at Mount Saint Helens.
« on: Yesterday at 06:27:06 PM » Quote
Your attendance is needed on march 30 from 6pm to 9pm Monday evening.We need as many people as possible, to give public comment against a national park at mt saint Helen's.We will loose all hunting snowmobiling mt biking,and horseback riding opportunity's.This will affect 110 thousand acres of land at the mountain,that is currently a national monument controlled by the forest service.There will be no benefit to us outdoor enthusiast it Will take more public land from us.The units this will affect will be Lewis river 560 Toutle 556 Margaret 524 Winston 520 and Packwood 516.These areas are the most hunted units in the state and we stand to loose this.Please plan to attend, this is one evening out of you life,but may affect the rest of our life's.By showing up, this will tell the committee members that you want to keep our public lands public.I have posted below emails of the senators, congressman and mt saint Helen's advisory committee members that are involved in this matter.Send them a letter showing your disapproval about trying to lock us out of public use.Thanks b barnesDebbie Slack <slack@co.skamania.wa.us
shac comments <shaccomments@co.skamania.wa.us
Axel Swanson <swansona@co.cowlitz.wa.us
Brian Willoughby <brian_willoughby@cantwell.senate.gov
Casey Roeder <casey@skamania.org
Debbie Slack <slack@co.skamania.wa.us
Jim Adams <jima@nwinterp.org
Jim Sedell <jimsedell@yahoo.com
Lee Grose <bocc@co.lewis.wa.us
Maree Lerchen <maree@windermere.com
Mark Plotkin <mark@visitmtsthelens.com
Mark Smith <ecoparkman@mac.com
Mary Kay Nelson <Info@VisitRainier.com
Nancy Parkes <n.parkes@comcast.net
Page Phillips <page.phillips@mail.house.gov
Paul Pearce <pearce@co.skamania.wa.us
Sherie Weisser <dsweisser@gmail.com
Theresa Wagner <theresa_wagner@murray.senate.gov