A lot of the reason you don't hear much about the 9000: There was a few that had teething problems in their infancy, narrow skis that made the front end dive in powder snow, there were clutch alignment issues on many, and the driveline wasn't up to the task to handle big boost out of the crate, not to mention that 80% of riders never change suspension settings from factory, which tuned out a lot of the heavy "feel", and that the power delivery is night and day from a 2 stroke.
The M1100T (or M9000) is a very capable powder sled, even more so with a few modifications. The components I have added from Evolution Powersports have changed the sled exponentially, and the clutching has been resolved thanks to Racin' Station. I suspect most of the teething "issues" will be resolved on the 16's - Cat is on the right track with the changes offered IMHO. There will always be the naysayers that will say it's a heavy pig (usually these are folks that have never ridden one or any length of time). Case in point, a good riding buddy hated mine the 1st time he rode it (it was new and I was in the process of setting up the ride) and now he is snowchecking one after a second ride (now that I've tweaked it to where I want it).