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Newt says OB has Failed!!!


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May 11, 2004
June 9 (Bloomberg) -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said President Barack Obama’s plan to fix the economy through stimulus spending and government intervention to boost companies like General Motors Corp. has "already failed."

Gingrich was the keynote speaker at a fundraising dinner for the Republican House and Senate campaign committees, filling a role President George W. Bush had served for the past eight years.

"Bureaucrats managing companies does not work, politicians dominating the economy does not work," Gingrich told about 2,000 Republicans who attended the event at the Washington Convention Center last night.

Some Republican leaders hailed Gingrich, the leader of the 1994 "Republican Revolution," as a de facto head of the party at a time when Republicans are looking for ideas to lead them back to the majority.

In introducing Gingrich, Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin called him the “architect of the last reform movement” and “the man of ideas.”

Gingrich was preceded by a series of Republican leaders who also took aim at Democrats and the government bailout of Detroit-based GM, New York-based American International Group Inc. and other companies.

Congress in February passed a $787 billion stimulus measure that Republican lawmakers have criticized, saying it hasn’t lived up to administration promises.

Obama said yesterday there are signs the economy may be headed toward a recovery. "We're seeing a reduction in the fear that gripped the market just a few months ago," he said at the White House.

‘Radical Agenda’

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said Obama has a "radical agenda." Republicans have "watched them take over banks, insurance companies, auto companies," he said, “and now they want to take over your health care.”

"We’re going to need some wins next November to slow down their agenda," said McConnell. House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio said Democrats are using their control of Congress "to bury our children and the middle class under a mountain of debt."

Actor Jon Voight, the master of ceremonies, opened the evening with a series of sharp attacks on Obama, something many Republican leaders have been hesitant to do in light of the president’s high approval ratings.

A USA Today/Gallup Poll taken May 29-31 gave him a 61 percent approval rating.

‘Weak Nation’

"We are becoming a weak nation," said Voight, calling Obama a "false prophet." Republicans need to find their way back to power to free the nation from "this Obama oppression," he said.

Both McConnell and Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, who followed Voight, seemed pleasantly surprised.

"I’m still just reveling that someone from Hollywood made a speech like that. I hope you’re going to be able to find work after this," said McConnell. "I really enjoyed that."

Senator John Cornyn of Texas called the speech "refreshing."

The dinner, which included 150 members of Congress, raised $14.5 million for the Republican House and Senate campaign committees.

Alaska Governor and former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell were among the special guests.

Gingrich dialed back his criticism of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, only saying she is "wrong" on the issue of quotas, without citing any rulings she had made in favor of racial quotas.

Gingrich Controversy

After Obama nominated Sotomayor on May 26, Gingrich posted a blog saying, "A white man racist nominee would be forced to withdraw. Latina woman racist should also withdraw."

On June 3, Gingrich took back his description of her as a "racist," though he continued to criticize a 2001 speech by her as a "betrayal" of fundamental principles. In the speech, she suggested a "wise Latina" would reach "better" decisions than white males.

Obama nominated Sotomayor, 54, last month to succeed retiring Justice David Souter. If confirmed by the Senate, she would be the first Hispanic to sit on the nation’s highest court.

Obama said last week: "I’m sure she would have restated" her 2001 remarks if given the chance and that she was saying that her life experiences would help her understand other people’s struggles.

Republican lawmakers have sought to distance themselves from the "racist" claims of Gingrich and conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh.

To contact the reporter on this story: Heidi Przybyla in Washington at hprzybyla@bloomberg.net



Mar 16, 2004
Don't think the idea that his spending policies have failed will work. Too much media on his side.

I would go after him on his deficit spending and the fact of how hard he attacked Bush and the repulicans for their spending. THen he spends it faster than anyone in history.

I would attack on the angle of how are our childeren going to pay for his socialist ideas?
Dec 19, 2007
Surrounded by Dumbacrat's
Don't think the idea that his spending policies have failed will work. Too much media on his side.

I would go after him on his deficit spending and the fact of how hard he attacked Bush and the repulicans for their spending. THen he spends it faster than anyone in history.

I would attack on the angle of how are our childeren going to pay for his socialist ideas?

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/pub...od_of_america/trust_on_issues/trust_on_issues :eek:
Trust on Issues
Voters Now Trust Republicans More than Democrats on Economic Issues
Monday, June 08, 2009 Email to a Friend ShareThisAdvertisement
Voters now trust Republicans more than Democrats on six out of 10 key issues, including the top issue of the economy.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 45% now trust the GOP more to handle economic issues, while 39% trust Democrats more.

This is the first time in over two years of polling that the GOP has held the advantage on this issue. The parties were close in May, with the Democrats holding a modest 44% to 43% edge. The latest survey was taken just after General Motors announced it was going into bankruptcy as part of a deal brokered by the Obama administration that gives the government majority ownership of the failing automaker.

Voters not affiliated with either party now trust the GOP more to handle economic issues by a two-to-one margin.

Separate Rasmussen tracking shows that the economy remains the top issue among voters in terms of importance.

Republicans also now hold a six-point lead on the issue of government ethics and corruption, the second most important issue to all voters and the top issue among unaffiliated voters. That shows a large shift from May, when Democrats held an 11-point lead on the issue.


Mar 16, 2004
YES, this is what is needed to get a backbone in the republican party.
This kind of stuff will give them fuel to actually stand up and fight.
To heck with what the media says.

winter brew

Premium Member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
LakeTapps, Wa.
I'm not a big fan of Obama, but correct me if I'm wrong that Pres Bush passed a huge amount of the stimulus package before BO took office. ????? 168 billion???
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Mar 16, 2004
I'm not a big fan of Obama, but correct me if I'm wrong that Pres Bush passed a huge amount of the stimulus package before BO took office. ????? 168 billion???

Bush got the 700 billion TARP passed.
Obama is responcible for:
270 billion home bail out.
Redirecting the TARP money and bailing out the auto industry.
787 billion in stimulus money.
410 billion in port spending.
3.1 trillion proposed budget.
There are a few more, but there are just to many to keep track of.
Like I have said in the past.
We need to get rid of all of em and start over.
Dec 1, 2007
Girdwood, Alaska
I'm not a big fan of Obama, but correct me if I'm wrong that Pres Bush passed a huge amount of the stimulus package before BO took office. ????? 168 billion???

Yes George The Lesser left us with a hell of a mess. I always said the mistake from texas was going to be remebered as the worst president in our history. Boy was I wrong, Obama almost has him beat and he is not even a year in.

On topic though why is Gingrich even relevent? He is just another Fox news hack. Republicans ask why they lose elections, it is because they nominate class warfare candidates.

Same goes for the "other" side, but that is to be expected. Republicans used to be for individualism, now they are nothing more than Democrats who are obsessed about reproductive matters. No wonder they lose.
Dec 19, 2007
Surrounded by Dumbacrat's
Yes George The Lesser left us with a hell of a mess. I always said the mistake from texas was going to be remebered as the worst president in our history. Boy was I wrong, Obama almost has him beat and he is not even a year in.

On topic though why is Gingrich even relevent? He is just another Fox news hack. Republicans ask why they lose elections, it is because they nominate class warfare candidates.

Same goes for the "other" side, but that is to be expected. Republicans used to be for individualism, now they are nothing more than Democrats who are obsessed about reproductive matters. No wonder they lose.

I dont think either party loses for any reason other than the voters get sick of the BS, So what in turn happens? The voters trade one party for another back & forth digging the hole deeper.

So who will be the 3rd viable party to come from this mess?
Dec 1, 2007
Girdwood, Alaska
I dont think either party loses for any reason other than the voters get sick of the BS, So what in turn happens? The voters trade one party for another back & forth digging the hole deeper.

So who will be the 3rd viable party to come from this mess?

I like Libertarians, but their veiws on some things kill it for people. Along with the fact most the candidates running on their ticket (here anyways) are a bit off in the head it seems.

Normal people can't cut it in politics. Few family memebers are in it, they are worthless but can sure sound smart.
Dec 1, 2007
Yes George The Lesser left us with a hell of a mess. I always said the mistake from texas was going to be remebered as the worst president in our history. Boy was I wrong, Obama almost has him beat and he is not even a year in.

On topic though why is Gingrich even relevent? He is just another Fox news hack. Republicans ask why they lose elections, it is because they nominate class warfare candidates.

Same goes for the "other" side, but that is to be expected. Republicans used to be for individualism, now they are nothing more than Democrats who are obsessed about reproductive matters. No wonder they lose.

He's a little more than a "Fox Hack" if you've bothered to read or listen to him. I would say you assessment is little off. Class warfare? Wrong party, wrong man.
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