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New User With Basic Questions

May 21, 2012
Hi! I'm new to the forum and seek opinions on getting my 1st sled. One day, I hope I can be a functional addition to this forum.

I want to use a sled for shuttling skiers & snowboarders up the Utah backcountry (one passenger at a time). I am leaning towards a REV-800. Used ones in my area will often have a 151" track. If that is a sufficient setup, I'd just get a 2nd person seat, and figure a mount for the skis/snowboards, and I'll be all set, right? If you have any opinion on my choice of sled, track, or ski/board mounts, I hope you'll share your thoughts with me. I'm sure the information will be of great value to a newbie ignoramus. Thank you!


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Jun 2, 2008
Beautiful Colorado
I have no experience with backcountry skiing but I do have a fair amount of experience with riding 2 up in the backcountry, usually from broken down sleds etc... And I will say that riding 2 up is a lot harder than just throwing a seat on a mt sled and riding. Even with an experienced rider on the back it usually involves the passenger falling off multiple times. Getting stuck multiple times and just hating life in general. IMO I would consider an AC bearcat or skidoo scandic as they are made to carry people or supplies.

That said I may be way off base on that and totally wrong. But that's my .02.

winter brew

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Nov 26, 2007
LakeTapps, Wa.
You might have to wait a while for answers this time of year, but there are many on here who use sleds for ski/snowboard shuttles.
I know many use REV's, they are a great sled.....most I see ride 2-up with a guy on each running board, one runs the throttle the other the brake. 2-up on a seat is OK on the roads, but anything off trail requires standing up and body english.
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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2001
Arvada, Colorado
Two up standing on each running board (Canadian style) works best. 151 is OK, 162 is better. My REV 800 HMX-151 gets the job done.

Make sure you have avy gear in your backpack and know how to use it.

Welcome to the board:thumb:

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Matte Murder

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May 4, 2011
My buddy does a LOT of boarding while we ride. Another buddy shuttles him up Canadian style most of the time, in order for it to be fun(ex-Pro snowboarder) they have to ride in really steep terrain. Takes skill on both parts to do it Canadian. If you are shuttling new guys up all the time it will be easier to "squirrel". Put the passenger in front of you sitting down and you stand behind them. Both people need full face helmets. Passenger so he doesn't bust his teeth out on the bars and driver so he doesn't bust his teeth out on the passengers head or helmet. Route selection is also important. It there is a road or trail up you can take one passenger on the sled and pull one or two more guys behind with something like a water ski rope if they are on skis. Snowboarders don't tow well unless your wrap the rope around their necks and drag them. Cuts down on all the noise they make. Find some local guys who do it and they will help clue you in too. Have fun!
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