You might not have to do much of anything unless the dealer has detuned it, (seems to happen every now and then). I've been tuning and testing on Pros for two seasons and have found that it is really difficult to improve on Polaris's recommendations. Try whats in the set-up manual, below 8,000' run 10-62's with the black primary (140/330) and the stock helix 56/42/.36 with the stock black secondary spring. Above 8,000 run 10-60's, if your backshift is a little weak at elevation you may want to install the heavier black/purple secondary spring. I've been out riding and competing with quite a few other recommended set-ups from different dealers, most of them have gone back to stock. 8,000 RPM's is where you want to be. 8,200 r's positively puts less speed to the track.