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New Push for Wilderness in McCall



Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
McCall, Idaho
The Secesh Wildlands Coalition is resurrecting the 30 yr old Forest Service reccommended wilderness plan running north to south along the east side of McCall. It sounds like they want to make a few revisions but that it will include about 200,000 acres that run from Loon Lake (north of McCall, accessible by Warren Wagon road) to the Needles mountains south of McCall, east of Lake Fork area. It would encompass the Lick Creek mountains (the mountains east side of Warren Wagon Rd.) and span east to the South Fork River. So wondering if this will include all that precious riding into Brush and Box lakes that you access from Pearl road off of Warren Wagon Road as well as all that awesome riding around Thirtythree, Boulder and Louie Lakes up around Jug Mountain? I'm sure it does. Sounds like we'll see arial photos soon with the proposals if they are not already out. I'll watch for them and post more info as I see it.

Motive for this Wilderness is for better protection of wildlife and their migration patterns - which would also create cooridors between other Wilderness areas from Hells Canyon to the Frank Church and Gospel Hump wildernesses.


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Marysville, WA
I know there are a TON of folks outside the McCall area that like to ride McCall - we need to make sure more folks are aware of this proposal....

thx for posting, Sarah (even though it was a WHILE ago....)


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
McCall, Idaho
I havent seen anything on it lately but will keep all posted when I do. Supposedly, they are going to post flyers around town with a map showing the proposed area. Perhaps some of us locals can create another flyer that shows why this wilderness is not necessary and how to oppose it.

One point I would love to see more debate on is the wildlife protection issue - the organization pushing for this says we need this wilderness to protect wild life corridors. My question is, if we are trying to protect wildlife corridors, then why are we leaving Lick Creek road to run right through the middle of this wilderness? And then I think about the dear and elk that come eat my flowers and bed in my yard just outside of the city of McCall and wonder how is it that we are hampering their travels when they are obviously CHOOSING to be amonst us? Every now and again, I'll see deer grazing a couple hundred feet off US highway 95 - they are obviously getting around just fine. I defintly see no sign of needing protected wildlife corridors.

So the next issue is to prevserve this land in it's natural state - well, #1 no one can go into this land and build anything as it is and #2, if it is turned to wilderness, the few structures that are there like a guard station and the skiiers warming huts @ Lick Creek Summit should be removed.

I see absolutely no neccessity for this wilderness. It seems pretty well protected as it is with a good variety of trails and areas designated for motorized and nonmotorized use.
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Dec 6, 2001
Longmont, Colorado
Wilderness is such a joke today i saw a squirrel run out of the wilderness area into the user area, what other proof do they need, even the squirrels know the wilderness areas suck!
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