I like to say first that I am a Polaris guy all the way and I love the Pro. I have a 11 and a 12. The first year on my 11 I blew the motor at 1,000 miles. The 2nd motor went at about the same miles 1,000. It has about 400 miles on the 3nd motor and runs great. No warranty left on the 11. My 12 blew up today with 1,150 miles on it. I have a 4 year warranty on it so there is no way Polaris is making any money on me. I run extra oil and always warm up to 125 before riding. I for one think there is a big problem with these motors. You Think. Now I need to fix my 11 before it blows on my dime. My problem is when they blow you never know were your going to be. Getting it home came be a big problem. Thanks Polaris.