OK, so I took my buds 05 900 apart last night. At the end of last season we noticed that the mag side piston had some pretty good scoring on it. The cylinder on that side does have some scoring also, will get new replated one from Millenium Technology's this week. Here is my question, we are going to replace both pistons/rings, but the PTO side cylinder looks fine, as does the piston. Should he get that cylinder replated also? Money is an issue with this job. I am thinking get the bad cylinder replaced, leave the PTO side, and put in the new pistons and rings. What's everyone's thoughts?
By the way I snapped off the nipple on the coolant bottle that the throttle body coolant line runs to. So I have to get a new one of those, think I will go with the 09 one, and remove the radiator also. Did the research on that last night. This forum rocks for the 900 owners by the way.
Also, the fat boy frenchy oil/throttle cable I put on last year is the cats ***! Love being able to get the throttle bodies out of the way easily!
By the way I snapped off the nipple on the coolant bottle that the throttle body coolant line runs to. So I have to get a new one of those, think I will go with the 09 one, and remove the radiator also. Did the research on that last night. This forum rocks for the 900 owners by the way.
Also, the fat boy frenchy oil/throttle cable I put on last year is the cats ***! Love being able to get the throttle bodies out of the way easily!