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New Bill to establish a behavior modification czar and...

Dec 31, 2007
Lolo, MT
conspiracy theories????

HR3247 Sponsored by Representative Brian Baird. "The Secretary shall establish a social and behavioral sciences research program to identify and understand social and behavioral factors that influence energy consumption and acceptance and adoption rates of new energy technologies, and to promote the utilization of the results of social and behavioral research to improve the design, development, demonstration, and application of energy technologies."

This coupled with Time Magazine article:

"President Obama is still relying on behavioral science, but now his administration is using it to try to transform the country...because when you know what makes people tick, it's a lot easier to help them change."

"Two weeks before Election Day, Barack Obama's campaign was mobilizing millions of supporters; it was a bit late to start rewriting get-out-the-vote (GOTV) scripts. "BUT, BUT, BUT," deputy field director Mike Moffo wrote to Obama's GOTV operatives nationwide, "What if I told you a world-famous team of genius scientists, psychologists and economists wrote down the best techniques for GOTV scripting?!?! Would you be interested in at least taking a look? Of course you would!!"

Moffo then passed along guidelines and a sample script from the Consortium of Behavioral Scientists, a secret advisory group of 29 of the nation's leading behaviorists. The key guideline was a simple message: "A Record Turnout Is Expected." That's because studies by psychologist Robert Cialdini and other group members had found that the most powerful motivator for hotel guests to reuse towels, national-park visitors to stay on marked trails and citizens to vote is the suggestion that everyone is doing it. "People want to do what they think others will do," says Cialdini, author of the best seller Influence. "The Obama campaign really got that." Maybe this explains BO and the MSM constantly saying the exact opposite of the truth. If we hear it enough we'll believe it.


Added to Beck interview with Congressman Rohrbacher:

"Congressman, you were one of the guys that were actually, really fighting against this bill [HR3247] yesterday. What — what in Crazy Town — AKA Washington — is going on?

REP. DANA ROHRABACHER, R-CALIF.: Well, this exemplifies something that has been happening underneath the surface. Rarely do you get someone as honest as Brian Baird and as sincere as he is, explaining the real purpose behind his bill, which is behavior modification.

So, he wants to set up a behavior modification "czar" at the Department of Energy. You know, we Republicans feel government is supposed to be controlled by the people, and obviously, the frame of mind that comes from this bill is: The government should control the people.

BECK: Well, I'm just thinking, gosh, Congressman, some might say this sounds like — oh, I don't know — propaganda.

ROHRABACHER: Well, that is exactly what they intend and, actually, I think the word was used in the debate. They believe that people just aren't doing the right things, because they're not making choices that these liberal leftists want them to make, and thus, there must be something wrong with them.


Together with:
July 16th, 2009 by Matthew Vadum

The left-wing character assassins at Media Matters for America highlight a brief July 13 segment from Glenn Beck’s radio show in an effort to make Beck look ridiculous.

Beck says

The ACORNs of the world, that’s not, that is not about voter registration. That is about framework. That is about community organizing. That is about getting people to stand up and extort other people. It is, in the future, those kinds of organizations will be about riots, planned riots.

In fact Beck is correct. He describes both the tactics of the leftist Machiavelli Saul Alinsky and the Cloward-Piven Strategy of orchestrated crisis that was long ago embraced by ACORN. ACORN founder Wade Rathke acknowledges at page 122 of his new book Citizen Wealth the debt that the so-called welfare rights movement owes to Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven for devising the “overwhelm the system” strategy for radical political change.

Rathke, who was booted out of ACORN last year for his role in covering up his brother’s nearly $1 million embezzlment from the group for eight years, calls the strategy “an exciting call to arms.”

Never forget that Media Matters, which I profiled in Townhall magazine (read the article here), was founded and is headed by serial liar David Brock.

Media Matters is the journalistic equivalent of a roving, extremely well-funded death squad."
Links to corroboration in this link:

Look up Cloward Piven strategy. Beck said their plan (starting in the mid 60s) was to use media to let poor people know where they could get free money to overwhelm the system and create a crisis, like Rathke's book says. Once the crisis is happening (remember Rahm Emmanuel saying never let a good crisis go to waste) it forces the gvt to move quickly to provide programs for direct income distribution (Marxism) Community organizations overhaul the system to lead to massive redistribution of wealth.

If that sounds like a conspiracy theory read these people's books! Look up the bill yourself. Look at the Time magazine article yourself.

Also in the Health Care Bill (House Version) they are planning to have "social workers" come into your house to tell you how to raise your children. I'm sorry, but "voluntary" with this administration means absolutely nothing to me. Americorps was supposed to be voluntary and there's legislation to add that will not be voluntary. Look up HR1444 Section 4 (b) (6).

Actually because this is health care related I'll post the text of HR3200 Sec 440 in the Health Care thread.

We just keep letting government take more and more power. We seem to be more of an oligarchy than a republic anymore.
Last edited:


Nov 26, 2007
Lander Wy
Obama could use more than a little behavior modification! To all the folks who voted for him. Hows all this hope and change doin for ya?
Nov 26, 2007
Some of this $hit is really starting to make me wonder how these people came to be who they are now. This country IS NOT one big science project!!!The only person to modify my behavior is myself. PERIOD! :mad: Come and try all you want but I'll fight for what I beleive in.


Nov 26, 2007
Lander Wy
You have to know that if this were George Bush pulling all this crap he would have been up on impeachment charges by the House of reps. for at least two weeks now. What is everyone waiting for?


Nov 21, 2007
Big Lake, MN
this admin and its proposals wreaks of bad movies and there story lines of the future. Seems they have NO idea of the future of this country only what crap'wood said it may become. Does anyone not think for themselves anymore, God I miss Reagan, a breathe of fresh reality/
Dec 31, 2007
Lolo, MT
"Moffo then passed along guidelines and a sample script from the Consortium of Behavioral Scientists, a secret advisory group of 29 of the nation's leading behaviorists. The key guideline was a simple message: "A Record Turnout Is Expected." That's because studies by psychologist Robert Cialdini and other group members had found that the most powerful motivator...is the suggestion that everyone is doing it. "People want to do what they think others will do," says Cialdini, author of the best seller Influence. "The Obama campaign really got that."

This comment from Time that I linked to above really made me feel like this is the explanation for why Obama bald face lies to us. If he repeats the lies, people apparently believe them. A lot of people don't research anything, they believe what they are told in the MSM and that scares the crap out of me. I wonder if "People want to do what they think others will do" is similar to "If we repeat what we want people believe, they'll think its true because they think it's what everyone else believes."??
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Obama, understands how powerful this stuff is. Look at the environmental movement. Those idiots are so sheep, they want to ban dihydrogen Monoxide, without stopping to think. Sheep should be lined up behind lemmons, and herded towards the sea.
Dec 19, 2007
Surrounded by Dumbacrat's
Czar Madness? H.R. 3226 the Czar Killer

August 02, 2009
Anti-Czar bill introduced
It isn't getting a lot of media attention and with the Democrats' majorities in the House and Senate, it is probably doomed, but for the sake of the memory of our Constitution, somebody had to do it. From the Benton Country (Arkansas) Daily Record:

H.R. 3226, the Czar Accountability and Reform Act of 2009, would bar the use of appropriated funds to pay either expenses or salaries of members of task forces, councils, or similar offices established by the president and headed by a person appointed inappropriately to such a post without Senate advice and consent.

The bill is sponsored by Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga. And co-sponsored by Rep. John Boozman, R-Ark. To his everlasting credit, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, who, for all his faults is a keen student of history, has also been raising objections to the Czar madness that has gripped the Democrats and their media lapdogs. If a Republican president had tried to grab unaccountable power in this manner, there would be a firestorm.
Nov 26, 2007
You have to know that if this were George Bush pulling all this crap he would have been up on impeachment charges by the House of reps. for at least two weeks now. What is everyone waiting for?

Heads too big or azz is just too small because they can't seem to separate the two!
Dec 31, 2007
Lolo, MT
Gainster, another great find. I just wrote my Rep and asked him to cosponsor this. Now THIS is the way a bill should be written - short and to the point.

There was also a bill to make every other bill have to prove its constitutionality, but I can't remember what the bill # is. That's an important one too.
Dec 31, 2007
Lolo, MT
Ahhh, now this makes more sense!

Part of article from Canada Free Press

"Obama plans to systematically “embed positive behavior” into America’s Kids"

"Recall, prior to the election, then presidential hopeful, Barack Obama’s, experience with education was working with William Ayers, the unrepentant domestic terrorist and former Weather Underground Operative. It was Ayers, now a “distinguished” professor in Chicago, who served as “Collaborative” co-chair and crafted Chicago public school education policies to Obama’s chairmanship in the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC). CAC reportedly funneled over US$100 million to radical activists and radicalized students. Story here.

Moreover, as CFP reported, prior to the 2008 Presidential elections, on September 27, 2007, then Senator Obama introduced the “Positive Behavior for Effective Schools Act” in the Senate. Obama’s education bill, S.2111, significantly redesigns and amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to allow, in part, for “State…local educational agencies, and schools to increase implementation of early intervention services particularly school-wide positive behavior supports.”

According to Section 3, “the term `positive behavior support’ means a systematic approach to embed proven practices for early intervening services, including a range of systemic and individualized strategies to reinforce desired behaviors and eliminate reinforcement for problem behaviors, in order to achieve important social outcomes (emphasis added)…” Story here. [see link]
In Section 8 Obama’s bill creates what’s called the “Office of Specialized Instructional Support Services” which shall “administer, coordinate, implement, and ensure adequate evaluation of the effectiveness of programs …” via a new “Director” who provides “continuous training and professional development opportunities for specialized instructional support personnel” comprised of “school counselors…social workers…psychologists, and others…” These “instructional support personnel” provide “assessment, diagnosis, counseling, educational, therapeutic, and other necessary corrective or supportive services…” for students.

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