This is going to be a long post so please be patiant....
Heres the Problem
I changed my RT1000 from a 151 track to a 144 track and now the rail tips are hitting my 10T extros....
Alot of people are telling me to trim my rails but look at the pics and see the problems I am having with that....
Here are some pics of other people who have trimmed rails nd look at the difference...
Pic 1
Pic 2
Now in these 2 pics you can see that the bottom bar for the limiter strap is located a ways back from the end of the rails...
This is my skid and look where the Bar is located....
So that does not leave alot of room to trim....
and I dont think trimming just the plastic end piece will give me enough clearence....
Is there anyway to relocate the limiter strap bar back a bit????
Or should I get an Anti Stab Wheel Kit???
Or should I just try trimming the plastic caps...???
Im stuck..
Please help
Heres the Problem
I changed my RT1000 from a 151 track to a 144 track and now the rail tips are hitting my 10T extros....
Alot of people are telling me to trim my rails but look at the pics and see the problems I am having with that....
Here are some pics of other people who have trimmed rails nd look at the difference...
Pic 1
Pic 2
Now in these 2 pics you can see that the bottom bar for the limiter strap is located a ways back from the end of the rails...
This is my skid and look where the Bar is located....
So that does not leave alot of room to trim....
and I dont think trimming just the plastic end piece will give me enough clearence....
Is there anyway to relocate the limiter strap bar back a bit????
Or should I get an Anti Stab Wheel Kit???
Or should I just try trimming the plastic caps...???
Im stuck..
Please help