I have an 07 XRS 159, added DJ clutching, blueprinted primary and it ran good, except always trenched, i know DOO skids well, so i adjusted it and adjusted it and adjusted it.....until i just gave up on that track and put a powdermax on it (from hearing what others were saying about the track swap on here). Problem was solved and my normal powder set up worked then. The best way to get that Lite track to float (which was as good as i could get it to work and not as good as I needed it to work), was too loosen the front rear shock spring all the way (yes it would bottem in the whoops), and run rear springs on the 3rd setting (too hard for me), caused alot of front steering weight, so I loosened front springs to compensate (handling sucked set like this, but it did help her float). Limiter was also pulled up 2 from stock. Then i fixed the problem and got rid of the stiff track....
Once i put on the powdermax, i had to start over, the whole rear skid acts differently, almost like the track is more fliexible and allows for the suspension to cycle more effectively, I had to reduce the crazy settings from before and it now acts like the 2006 159 did and gets up on the snow now. only my opinion from riding both tracks. find a used stock powder max or goto tracksusa or trackscanada and get the camoplast equivalent....best money spent, other than DJ's kit, that you can spend on this sled....plus you can sell the old track for some beer money.