Looking for 2 1/16 - 52mm liquid filled boost gauge. What are you all using? My current gauge sucks and the needle keeps bouncing around. Having trouble locating a liquid filled one in the size I need.
I use a 4603 from Autometer. They take a beatin ! BUT they only come in 2 5/8 which is not what you are looking for. Slightly bigger may be better for viewing though. I did a search in Autometers website for a 2 1/16 but there are no liquid filled qauges that come up in that size for Boost. Sorry
Nope, full of glycerine, i think. I am Vector i can't believe you never smashed one off in 4 years, LOL. My first one lasted 4 rides, a few rocks jumped out in front of it ! Although it never did stop working, just kind of bent !