Got 15 acres thats just bare dirt right now and I mainly have a squirl problem, the neighbor has a few hundred acres of almons and they are tearing his crop up and harvest is in a few weeks. Need to get rid of em ASAP. The AG commisioner said to put down zinc tablets in the holes and cover em up, yeah 15 acres and 1000+holes
plus its expensive. cant smoke bomb em or propane blast em cause of fire threat (and about 3/4's of cali is burned up already anyways) What other options does one have? Disc the field then hit the active holes as they come back is my last thought anyone???
Also have a cat problem at my house, the dog cought one, cant get a shot at em to many to trap what else works? Thanks guys!!!!!!!!
Also have a cat problem at my house, the dog cought one, cant get a shot at em to many to trap what else works? Thanks guys!!!!!!!!