Hey everyone, I hope this is the appropriate area to post this in. We could use a little help here. A new travel plan is under consideration in the Helena National Forest and has many closures in areas that many of us use. We would hate to see this happen. Here is some info. The deadline for comments is 15 Jan 09.
If you would like to leave a comment I have put up a web page to help the process. It contains the info listed below and a comments document. Made it about as easy as I can. Feel free to pass this on to anyone that might like to comment. http://www.helenasnodrifters.org/dividetravelplancomments
The Helena National Forest has released their starting travel plan proposal for the Divide project area. The Divide Area includes approximately 155,480 acres of public land located in Lewis & Clark and Powell Counties. The project area includes the Black Mountain, Dog Creek, Hope Creek, Tenmile Creek, Little Blackfoot River and Bison Mountain Area.
Motorized recreationists would lose many recreational opportunities under the starting proposal. Your comments in support of a pro-recreation alternative are needed to support a reasonable level of OHV use in the Helena National Forest.
Two example comment letters (3 page and 23 page versions posted in the left column of the web page) are attached for your review and use. Be sure to replace the yellow highlighted sections with your information. Feel free to delete or add points to one of these example documents and submit it HNF. Be polite but let them know why you think use of the forest for OHV recreation is reasonable and why there should not be massive motorized closures under the Divide travel plan.
Mail written comments to:
Helena Ranger District
2001 Poplar
Helena, MT 59601
Email comments to:
Large color maps can be viewed and/or downloaded from the Helena National Forest webpage at http://www.fs.fed.us/r1/helena/projects/divide_travel
Comments should be postmarked, e-mailed, or faxed by January 15, 2009.
Thank you for getting involved and supporting our motorized recreational opportunities in Montana.
Action Committee
Capital Trail Vehicle Association (CTVA)
P.O. Box 5295
Helena, MT 59604-5295
If you would like to leave a comment I have put up a web page to help the process. It contains the info listed below and a comments document. Made it about as easy as I can. Feel free to pass this on to anyone that might like to comment. http://www.helenasnodrifters.org/dividetravelplancomments
The Helena National Forest has released their starting travel plan proposal for the Divide project area. The Divide Area includes approximately 155,480 acres of public land located in Lewis & Clark and Powell Counties. The project area includes the Black Mountain, Dog Creek, Hope Creek, Tenmile Creek, Little Blackfoot River and Bison Mountain Area.
Motorized recreationists would lose many recreational opportunities under the starting proposal. Your comments in support of a pro-recreation alternative are needed to support a reasonable level of OHV use in the Helena National Forest.
Two example comment letters (3 page and 23 page versions posted in the left column of the web page) are attached for your review and use. Be sure to replace the yellow highlighted sections with your information. Feel free to delete or add points to one of these example documents and submit it HNF. Be polite but let them know why you think use of the forest for OHV recreation is reasonable and why there should not be massive motorized closures under the Divide travel plan.
Mail written comments to:
Helena Ranger District
2001 Poplar
Helena, MT 59601
Email comments to:
Large color maps can be viewed and/or downloaded from the Helena National Forest webpage at http://www.fs.fed.us/r1/helena/projects/divide_travel
Comments should be postmarked, e-mailed, or faxed by January 15, 2009.
Thank you for getting involved and supporting our motorized recreational opportunities in Montana.
Action Committee
Capital Trail Vehicle Association (CTVA)
P.O. Box 5295
Helena, MT 59604-5295