I can only go about 40 miles on my Summit and it starts running out of fuel. I've got the SLP high comp. head, boysen rage cage, stock pipe w/HRP can, stock jets. The thing runs excellent and the plugs are tan after a good pull. What could be the problem.
how old are your reeds?? my 04 was starting to go the gas,,so i checked reeds,,a couple peddles were not sealing very good and and were starting to chip a little..
these were boysen peddles on stock cages,,about 4 years old,,two seasons of nitrous..
put new reeds in and mileage came back..
The '04s weren't exactly fuel efficient. You should be able to drop down one size on mains with the Boyesens (provided you have high enough octane to prevent deto using that SLP head) which should help. If you really want the best mileage then get an RKTek head as you can jet down to 360's then!