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need help ASAP rmk 900 drive issues



My 9 started to act up like the drivers were worn, little bit of skipping when it moves, so i checked the drivers and they look perfectly fine. THEN, got back to the truck and it felt like the belt was slipping, rev but no track movement! Belt and clutches bone dry, checked the chaincase, all good lots of lubricant. I also wanna point out that upon first fire up at cold, it fires but I have to shut it off and refire it to get full power, i know the.crank position sensor is located in the stator, that's what powers it i believe anyways, could this all be linked to that!? I've searched but my phone limits me so sorry if this had been asked, but I'm desperate for answers!

I had the sled hoisted on the back and can move the track freely by hand with no noticeable jerks from the drivers, please help!!
I took the cover off to check the chain and it is still good it works when i spin the track freely by hand
Does the track turn when you turn the secondary by hand?is the primary going in and out with the rpm?only thing i can think of is maybe the splines are stripped on the secondary or the primary is lose and not turning with the crank...chain to slack and slipping on a sprocket?that might give you the same feel as what you had?
I turn the secondary by hand, it moves the track. The chain is good, it doesnt slip when i have it running and the track moving. Probably woukdnt hurt none if i rebuilt the ckutches anyways, it hasnt been done. ?
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