I am by nature a yamaha guy... I have to sell my turbo phazer, and i was going to take the year off. Save a little $$$ then get a new one next summer. But i know that as soon as the first snow flies, and my buddies are telling me how fun it is i am going to be kicking my self in the a$$... So i am kinda trying to figure out what i should do??? Turbo nytro, or turbo cat 1000 sno pro??? I have heard great things bout the nytro turbo, and two of the guys that i ride with have turbo nytro's... One guy rides turbo apex and those are the only sleds that are good enough to mention... should i go against the grain and get a cat or do i stick to my guns and get a nytro... Please, break this down for me, make my mind up!!!