Seriously folks...........
I hit a rock on my trip to Cooke and that so called bumper wrinkled up worse than a 80 year old hooker.....
that thing offers almost zero protection.....
If you look at the lower part of that bumper, the spokes of the bumper will actually catch on rocks.
After taking off the bumper and looking at it and feeling the weight and contstruction, that thin walled aluminum offers no protection whatso ever.
Dont spend your money on this, get an aftermarket bumper.
One option you might want to look at is the racewerx bumper / skidplate
You can see detailed pictures on his facebook page "Racewerx"
There is two other points under that chassis that can get hit real easily
1. Chaincase
2. Brake
He is going to install the full monty on my sled this weekend.
-front bumper
-skid plate
-billet chaincase protector
-disk brake skid plate
The way he designed the bumper is to have the side pieces of the bumper take the force and buckle if needed. Then you just replace or bend out if possible those side pieces.
1/4" aluminum plate and holes drilled for oil nut on bottom.....
I am not necessarily telling anyone that this is the end-all, be-all solution.
The bottom line is that you will be sorely displeased with the "Sport" bumper once you have even grazed a rock.......
Take that money you are going to spend, and spend a few more dollars and do it right........
Cat did not get it right with this bumper at all........THe bumper does not deflect rocks/trees at all on the bottom, in fact it promotes "catching" rocks and stumps by its very design.....
They designed this as a lifting device period - to save weight
Dont do it!!
I hit a rock on my trip to Cooke and that so called bumper wrinkled up worse than a 80 year old hooker.....
that thing offers almost zero protection.....
If you look at the lower part of that bumper, the spokes of the bumper will actually catch on rocks.
After taking off the bumper and looking at it and feeling the weight and contstruction, that thin walled aluminum offers no protection whatso ever.
Dont spend your money on this, get an aftermarket bumper.
One option you might want to look at is the racewerx bumper / skidplate
You can see detailed pictures on his facebook page "Racewerx"
There is two other points under that chassis that can get hit real easily
1. Chaincase
2. Brake
He is going to install the full monty on my sled this weekend.
-front bumper
-skid plate
-billet chaincase protector
-disk brake skid plate
The way he designed the bumper is to have the side pieces of the bumper take the force and buckle if needed. Then you just replace or bend out if possible those side pieces.
1/4" aluminum plate and holes drilled for oil nut on bottom.....
I am not necessarily telling anyone that this is the end-all, be-all solution.
The bottom line is that you will be sorely displeased with the "Sport" bumper once you have even grazed a rock.......
Take that money you are going to spend, and spend a few more dollars and do it right........
Cat did not get it right with this bumper at all........THe bumper does not deflect rocks/trees at all on the bottom, in fact it promotes "catching" rocks and stumps by its very design.....
They designed this as a lifting device period - to save weight
Dont do it!!