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Nature conservancy


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Feb 20, 2008
West of East
I was watching the Outdoor channel last night. I saw the Nature Conservancy put up a pretty lengthy commercial on there. They are coming out of the woodwork lately. I have to wonder what the current push is for the obvious presence.


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Feb 20, 2008
West of East
If it's unpopular and probably not going to pass in congress. If the overly funded branches of gov are taking heat. Why not fund an "ORG" just out the side door to buy property that butts up to existing wilderness in large chunks? Seems like another way to get the claws and over reaching tentacles to add more control. Maybe they will just want money for accessing their property at first.


Well-known member
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Dec 20, 2004
Kirkland, WA
If it's unpopular and probably not going to pass in congress. If the overly funded branches of gov are taking heat. Why not fund an "ORG" just out the side door to buy property that butts up to existing wilderness in large chunks? Seems like another way to get the claws and over reaching tentacles to add more control. Maybe they will just want money for accessing their property at first.

Exactly. This is another Agenda Land Grab. This administration is out of control. The American people have spoken with their vote and yet these dictators and Czars have said they don't care what the American people want, they will do whatever "they" think is right.

WTF!? I thought these a$$holes were supposed to represent the will of the PEOPLE.

They should be thrown in prison as they are criminals in my book.


Well-known member
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Oct 30, 2008
Billings MT
The Nature Conservancy can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. They are currently buying up ranches south of my hometown of Malta, MT, (for far above what anyone in that area can afford to pay for them) that border the Missouri River Breaks National Monument. Their goal is to have free ranging buffalo in the whole northeastern corner of the state. None of the locals want them there, but because they are technically a private group nothing can be done about it.

There was such a local uprising about it and concern that the BLM was going to go in with them and let the buffalo roam on the public land that Obama's dog, Interior Secretary Ken Salizar, paid a personal visit to Malta for a public meeting that packed the high school gymnasium with everyone in the county. He tried to tell everyone that there are no "current" plans for the government to re-release free-roaming buffalo and smooth talk the situation. Well in short, the people in attendance were not having it and I'm amazed he got out of there without being lynched. Now 2 years later, the state is putting together its bison management plan for free-roaming bison.

Dan Rather did a special on the Nature Conservancy and their plans up there, and "all we want is to have free roaming animals as far as the eye can see" as they are on top of a knoll where you can see for 150 miles each direction. They claim they are paying fair market price for land. It may be fair market back east, but it sure as hell isn't out here.

They may be private neighbors, but they are the kind of neighbors you don't want around.


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Jun 29, 2010
Sheridan, Wyo
I havent heard of this ^. Just had dinner the other night with a guy that works for the TNC and he didnt have much to say as far as them buying up large tracts of land across the west. As far as most nature conservancy operations that I know about, they are trying to run cattle.


Well-known member
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Feb 20, 2008
West of East
I havent heard of this ^. Just had dinner the other night with a guy that works for the TNC and he didnt have much to say as far as them buying up large tracts of land across the west. As far as most nature conservancy operations that I know about, they are trying to run cattle.

Have a look at the list of donors/members/ect. they have.
Nov 26, 2007
havre, montana
The Nature Conservancy can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. They are currently buying up ranches south of my hometown of Malta, MT, (for far above what anyone in that area can afford to pay for them) that border the Missouri River Breaks National Monument. Their goal is to have free ranging buffalo in the whole northeastern corner of the state. None of the locals want them there, but because they are technically a private group nothing can be done about it.

There was such a local uprising about it and concern that the BLM was going to go in with them and let the buffalo roam on the public land that Obama's dog, Interior Secretary Ken Salizar, paid a personal visit to Malta for a public meeting that packed the high school gymnasium with everyone in the county. He tried to tell everyone that there are no "current" plans for the government to re-release free-roaming buffalo and smooth talk the situation. Well in short, the people in attendance were not having it and I'm amazed he got out of there without being lynched. Now 2 years later, the state is putting together its bison management plan for free-roaming bison.

Dan Rather did a special on the Nature Conservancy and their plans up there, and "all we want is to have free roaming animals as far as the eye can see" as they are on top of a knoll where you can see for 150 miles each direction. They claim they are paying fair market price for land. It may be fair market back east, but it sure as hell isn't out here.

They may be private neighbors, but they are the kind of neighbors you don't want around.

you are talking of the APF american prairie foundation, they take lobbyist money and big corp donations to buy up land to make the "american serengty" bullchit land grab exactly
the nature conservancy only has the matador next to my home place


Well-known member
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Dec 20, 2004
Kirkland, WA
This group apprears to be building private wilderness areas. It should be illegal as far as I'm concerned. One of their biggest donors is the F'ing GOVERNMENT. Folks, this is wrong and about as shady as you can get. They must be stopped.
Oct 17, 2012
Ronald, WA
All we can do at this point is stay involved and let our voices be heard at the local level. If they do in fact close all "their" land to motorized recreation, then I say f'em and ride anyway. There are not enough cops and rangers who can ride to catch us all. Perhaps some form of organized civil disobedience. It worked for Gandhi and MLK Jr.

As a tax payer and resident of Kittitas county, I would prefer the sheriff focus on thieves and drug addicts. Not families spending time together and enjoying the outdoors.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Oct 30, 2008
Billings MT
you are talking of the APF american prairie foundation, they take lobbyist money and big corp donations to buy up land to make the "american serengty" bullchit land grab exactly
the nature conservancy only has the matador next to my home place

You are right. First there was only the Nature Conservancy out south there. The APF came latter. I got excited too quick with that first post.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 20, 2004
Kirkland, WA
Just got an email from them:

"open houses" coming up for their latest and greatest land grab in cle elum, WA. Please attend if you are local!

Here's what it says:

Dear Friend,

As I explore the hills and valleys of our new back yard, I am inspired by a vision of healthy forests supporting the local economy, offering people a place to escape from everyday life, and allowing diverse plants and animals to thrive. Today I want to update you on our work towards this vision and invite you to be part of it.

Since closing on our acquisition of 48,000 acres of treasured forestland between Snoqualmie Pass and Cle Elum, our team of foresters has been assessing the state of the land and working on a detailed management plan setting the stage for restoration and all future uses of this land.

Our team, committed to conserving and restoring these forests, is growing. We are hiring a Central Cascades Community Coordinator . Learn more about this and other jobs on our career page, and share with anyone who might be a good fit.

In March, we’ll hold a series of open houses in the area to talk about the future of these lands. We invite you to join us to share why you value these lands and your ideas for the future.

Cle Elum Senior Center
March 5th
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Ellensburg Amory
March 17th
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Yakima Aboretum
March 27th
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Many of you have already completed our short online survey. We really appreciate learning what matters to you. If you have not already taken the survey, we would love to hear from you.

I am gratified by your support for our vision of healthy thriving forests for people and nature. With your help, we will make that dream a reality.
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