My sled is on its first overnight tonight. 200 miles after replacing the planetary in my d drive it blew up for real today breaking trail in 2-3ft snow. Of course it was at the top of mountain so no towing it out even if the track would spin! Did a couple loops around my buddy to help him get unstuck and shut it off in my trail pointing down hill. after we got my buddy out fired it up and the sled didn't want to take off. didn't want to smoke my belt thought maybe all the snow in my track froze up so i tipped the sled on its side to clean out the track and noticed it would only spin 3in-4in then stop dead. after pulling the secondary checking the break side and looking for anything else in the track concluded the DD was roached! trying to find someone who will let me use his case to swap it out in the field, but its kind of like asking to sleep with your buddys wife knowing it'll come back looser than before....did i mention I hate D Drives!