So a little over a month ago my Pro started running poorly. Sled would run fine untill you gave it wide open throttle, then it would bog out. This condition would improve as I gained elevation, at 6 or 7 thousand feet the problem was barely noticeable (but still there).
We have changed the fuel filter, cleaned and checked the operation of the exhaust valves, checked throttle free play, changed the throttle overide switch in the throttle flipper, changed plugs (twice).
Dealer and Polaris diagnosed the problem as electrical last week so they changed out the stator plate, voltage regulator (the one on the clutch cover and the booster up by the coils). Still no change. If anything the sled ran worse by the end of the ride. I had to constantly give it gas to keep it running, it would die on me anytime I was coasting down a hill unless I gave it gas.
Its heading back to the dealer this morning, but we are both running out of ideas as to what might be wrong. I'd really like to get this sorted out before I put it away for the summer, and snow is getting hard to get to (I need snow. because the sled runs fine on the stand, with no load on the motor). Every time we think it is fixed, put it on the snow and the problem is still there.
I'm open to any ideas you guys might have!
We have changed the fuel filter, cleaned and checked the operation of the exhaust valves, checked throttle free play, changed the throttle overide switch in the throttle flipper, changed plugs (twice).
Dealer and Polaris diagnosed the problem as electrical last week so they changed out the stator plate, voltage regulator (the one on the clutch cover and the booster up by the coils). Still no change. If anything the sled ran worse by the end of the ride. I had to constantly give it gas to keep it running, it would die on me anytime I was coasting down a hill unless I gave it gas.
Its heading back to the dealer this morning, but we are both running out of ideas as to what might be wrong. I'd really like to get this sorted out before I put it away for the summer, and snow is getting hard to get to (I need snow. because the sled runs fine on the stand, with no load on the motor). Every time we think it is fixed, put it on the snow and the problem is still there.
I'm open to any ideas you guys might have!