you can think what you want, you can say what you want. you can be whoever you want to be. you can honor whatever religious or sacrilegious practice that floats your boat... but once you start taking action in ways that violate the laws that govern this nation, when you infringe on the same basic rights of others that you would claim for your own self interest, then you cross the line and become a threat to the rest of society and should be dealt with in whatever way is equal and appropriate to the action(s) you attempt to perpetrate.
brown, yellow, black, white, orange or purple, gay, straight, confused, etc., etc., etc.... it makes no difference.
this is not racist. this is not anti-religious or intolerant in any bias way. these are the rules and behaviors that we all agree to abide by as citizens of these United States of America.
The sooner everyone understands that basic concept... the sooner we can consider the issue of "racism" behind us, rather than ahead of us.
...or not. what would I know?