SAWS Members,I am passing on this message to you with regard to a proposal to have the National Park Service take over management of the Mt. St. Helens Monument area. If that happens, we will eventually see the area experience what has happened to the Yellowstone Park area affecting Montana, Wyoming and Idaho and what happened to Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado--Severe limits on Snowmobiling and NO SNOWMOBILING!Let's help out by writing a letter or sending an e-mail to keep the Mt. St. Helens Monument area under the management of the Forest Service. Thanks, Janine Stewart, MT SAWS repPlease read Dave's message: Today I received the request below from Carl Schmalenberger, the President of the Mt St Helens Tracriders, with a request for help from our SAWS members. Please write a short letter to state that you support the Mt St Helens Monument remaining under Forest Service management, and that you do not support a proposal to have the monument moved under control and management of the National Park Service. We certainly do not want to see Mt St Helens become the next Yellowstone National Park saga attempting an outright ban on snowmobile use. Comments may be emailed to Refer to the request below from Carl and below that a copy of the Mt St Helens Advisory Committee Press Release. Thank you in advance for responding to this request. Dave HurwitzChairman - Snowmobile Alliance of Western States
Evreybody send a letter.
Evreybody send a letter.