OMFG PEOPLE!! Shouldn't we all be wondering what's in our water?!?!? It all makes sense now with that ladies scientific evaluation of the sprinkler.
1. It's a bright, beautiful sunny day
2. The sprinker is spraying full blast on the frikkin 'mist' setting.
How could we have not noticed the excessive amounts of aluminum creating a glittering arc similar to that of every natural rainbow mankind has ever seen? That's it, I'm officially done drinking anything with water in it..........
I'm not above believing our 'secret society gov't' For The People is spending billions of dollars a year on crap that has no relevance to anything logical, but c'mon already. I've been seeing videos of this stuff for months without ever seeing a hint of it on a real worldwide news channel/website. Anybody ever watched the 'Conspiracy Theory' series? Interesting stuff, but do you think the general public will ever get any conclusive insider info until these events have come and gone? Maybe the 'Chem-trail, aluminum aerosol project' is the reason NASA is losing all it's funding. Gotta funnel a few hundred billion bones to some other useless Top-Secret gov't project. I think this is something that should be pursued somehow, but how long will it take before you get any real answers to what is 'really' going on up there? Just my .02