I'd like to second / third / 100th? (slow typer) the Thank You!
I know we both have our personal preferances and fundamental differences in execution of preferences, as well as choice of vendors at times.
Vendors I will never even consider are very high on your "go to" list for whatever reason. And my comments in certain threads about my opinion of those said vendors get those threads E-rased with no trace other than the newly broken notification system that notifies me people posted after I did "weeks" after the thread disappeared without a trace.
I'm not suggesting you have the E-rase button, I'm sure that is a Harris Publishing Conspiracy to save their Advertising dollars so they won't need to figure out how to grow potatoes again. Scratch that; they are likely getting paid by Obama not to plant anyway. Our tax dollars at work! Yeah!
Sorry for the slight detour, just been burning the gray matter for a bit and needed to vent.
Again Thank you for your expertise, and like anything else we are free to choose what we want to believe / incorporate into our sleds.
America is still considered a free country by the uninformed and unobservant.