I have a 01 mountain max 700, and while out riding the other day the machine was running just fine. I had stopped for a break for about 15 minutes and when I went to leave I started it up and took off and went about 50 ft and the thing started missing. I shut it off and started it up a number of times and a couple times I would make it 50 -100 yards before it was start acting up again. After doing this three or four times it finally kept running and I made it back. When I got back I let it sit for a while and tried to ride it, and again after about 150 yards it started missing again. The next morning I started it up, and it acted like it would run, I let it warm up for a couple minutes and went to take off and it immediately started to miss. It somewhat idles but it occasionaly wants to die, the lights flicker, the tack comes on and off, but when trying to give it gas it falls on its face. When I got it back home that day, I unloaded it and run it around the house for about a few minutes, was running fine and then all of sudden it started missing again. The sled has about 1700 miles on it. I checked the resistance on the stator and it was 1.2 ohms. The service manual says it should be around 0.4 ohms. Is this enough difference to conclude it is the stator or should I be checking something else? TORS seems to be working fine. If I understand correctly TORS would cut the engine out at 2500 to 3000 rpm and I can't even get there before it starts missing. Any advice would appreciated. I just don't want to buy an expensive stator if that is not the problem. Thanks.